PSU Magazine Winter 2003

I was born in Portland 95 years ago and have lived here most of my life. Of course things have changed since then' I remember when horses used Lo pull the fire engines and streetcars. It's fun Lo see the streetcars come back-even without the horses. A mutual friend introduced me to my husband, Taylor, a traveling salesman at the time. Ke was a Portland native, too, but he never wanted Lo live in the city. He had Lo have acreage around him. We had 17 acres off Cornell Road, and Taylor had a small orchard, a vegetable garden, a few sheep, and even a "I've enjoyed the concerts on campus so often that it was a real pleasure to help the Music Department acquire additional pianos. tractor. He liked to hunt and fish; he was a real outdoors person. We also used Lo have a caule ranch in Eastern Oregon, 50 miles from Joseph, which we visited as often as we could. The Wallowas are gorgeous. (Be sure to visit Hat Point the next time you're out that way.) We loved the Steens, too. In fact, it always seemed like there wasn't enough Lime to travel around Oregon as much as we wanted. When Taylor died in 1985, I moved downtown. Everyone said I wouldn't like it, but l took to it like water. Thats when I really got interested in Portland State. lL was just across the street, and I saw students all of the time. After a while it struck me that maybe they could use some help. lts not easy Lo support yourself, pay for college, and keep good grades all al the same Lime. Taylor and I had been Viking fans ever since the days when June Jones and Neil Lomax played football at PSU, but I'm more interested in womens athletics (even though I never played in anything but the corner ball game growing up). Its all women in my family. l had five older sisters. That's why when I decided to contribute to the Vikings, I designated my scholarship gift for women athletes. I also love music. l know nothing about it, but I love it. A friend got me started going to the Piano Recital Series at Portland State several years ago. l've enjoyed the concerts on campus so often that it was a real pleasure to help the Music Department acquire additional pianos. Giving our money– Taylor's and mine-has made everyone so happy, including me. I thought about putting our money into a trust or a foundation, but l decided that l could give iL away myself, now, and through my estate plans. l have enough to get along on, so l might as well have the pleasure of giving it away. Its brought a new life to me. cAlice cAlexander