PSU Magazine Winter 2003

! PH I L A N T H R O P Y I N ACTION Giuliani speaks at dinner honoring philanthropists Former New York CiLy mayor Rudolph Giuliani capLivaLed guesLs auending Ponland Slate's Simon Benson Awards dinner OcLober 14. He discussed leadership , Lhe subject of his new book, and joined Lhe Pon– land communiLy in congrawlaLing Lhe Simon Benson Award winners, Jeannine Cowles and ErnesL Swigen. One of Portland's premier philan– thropy evenLs, the dinner and awards are named afLer one of Oregon's fi rsL philanLhropisLs, Simon Benson. Hon– oring his Lradition of giving, Lhe awards go to individuals who have generously given their Lime and/or money LO suppon Lhe lives of genera– tions of Oregonians. Cowles is a longtime supponer of Lhe ans in the Ponland community. She has made significanL gifts LO several organ iza– Lions, including the DepanmenL of Music at Portland Stale UniversiLy, This year's Simon Benson Award winners, Ernest Swigert and Jeannine Cowles (right photo) , find a few moments to talk following former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani's (below) talk on leadership. Lhe PorLland Opera, and Trinity Epis– copal CaLhed ra l. Swigen is presidenL of Lhe Swigen FounclaLion, which suppons a broad specLrum of Oregon nonprofiLs in culLUral, religious, edu– cation, medical, and civic endeavors. From 1998 Lo 2000, Lhe FoundaLion issued over $2.5 million in granLs. Giuliani 's book, Leadership, was released in OcLober. It opens with a gripping accounL of his immediaLe reacLion to Lhe September 11 auacks, including a narrow escape from Lhe original crisis command headquar– Lers, buL he Lold his Ponland audi– ence thaL he did not suddenly become a greaL leader on thaL day. "I had been doing my besL Lo Lake on challenges my whole career." Giuli ani reca ll ed his experiences as a co rpo– rate lawyer and U.S auorney, Lhen mayor. D WINTER 2003 PSU MAGAZINE 15