PSU Magazine Winter 1999
EDITOR Kathryn Kirkland CONTRIBUTORS Myrna Ouray, Clarence Hein '65, Pat Scott, Pat Squire MPA '95, Douglas Swanson, Jean Tuomi, Martha Wagner, Jennifer Wheeler, Brian White DESIGN Terry Daline EDITORIAL OFFICE 325 Cramer Hall P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-075 1 (503) 725-4451 , FAX: (503) 725-4465, E-MAIL: ADVERTISING SALES (503) 725-4451 ALUMNI RELATIONS OFFICE Pat Squire MPA '95, Director Jennifer Wheeler, Assistant Director Myrna Ouray, Administrative Assistant l Cramer Hall P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-0751 (503) 725-4948 E-MAIL: ALUMNI BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mary Mertens James '78, President Jim Aalberg '72 Glen Beckley '68 Jo Rymer Culver '81 David Fitzpatrick '75, MS '77 Ann Gardner '77 Dan Gemma '64 Ken Hart '90 Susan Hauser '70 Laila Hirr MS '94 Bill Lemman, Vanport Carolyn Leonard '77, MS '79 Brad Lynott '72 Pamela Gesme Miller '84 Stan Payne '73 Brian Ray '85 Gary Salyers '57 Terry Walker '73, MBA '81 Ellen Wax '82, MURP '92 David Wedge '69 ALUMNI AMBASSADORS Jon Jalali '67, MBA '71 , Medford Chuck Littlehales '65, Newport Dennis O lson '68, MS '80, Pendleton athy A. Williams '56, Bend Cover: Illustration by Doug Mahnke. "The Mask"™ & ©, 1998 Dark Horse Comics Inc. See story on page 6-8. FEATURES Bif! Pow! Zap! More powerful than a locomotive, Dark Horse Comics becomes the third largest comic book publisher in the U.S. Harmonic Convergence From Bach to Beatles, the PSU Chamber Choir is spreading music around the globe. The Gentleman Professor The University honors the life's work of the late George Hoffmann. Is There a Doctor in the House? Students are getting into medical school with the help of PSU's premed program. Idio-frequency KPSU 1450 AM-it's student-run radio at its boldest. Coming In, Standing Out An influx in immigration to the United States is changing the face of America. DEPARTMENTS Off the Shelf Around the Park Blocks Alumni Association News Alum Notes Philanthropy in Action Sports 6 9 10 12 15 16 2 3 18 20 28 29 PSU Magazine is publi hed three times a year during fa ll, winter, and spring terms for alumni and friends of Portland State University. Contents may be reprinted only by permission of the ed itor. Please send address changes to the Office of Alumni Relations, Portland State University, P.O. Box 751 , Portland, OR 97207-075 1. The magazine is printed on recycled paper. PSU is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution. WINTER 1999 PSU MAGAZINE 1
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