PSU Magazine Winter 1997

I enrolled at Portland State University because I was enthusiastic about the opportunity to attend college while working to finance my own educa– tion . I took classes from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and worked 40 hours a week at Yaw's Top Notch Restaurant. PSU is located in a metropolitan area where students can work and attend college without owning a car, relying instead on Portland 's outstand– ing public transportation system. (Walking to and from the restaurant, located on Portland's east side, kept me healthy and fit !) I took all the offered courses in the Philosophy Department. The PSU philos– ophy courses were interesting and the professors were quite stimulating, creating a unique learning experience and the basis for my own philosophy of what life was all about. After PSU and military service as a marine corps offi– cer, where I became further acquainted with computers, I got a job in data proce sing and sa les at IBM. That job became a caree r which took me around the world. At the IBM European headquarters in Paris I worked in an international community of co lleagues and customers, where the mind -broadening experience of a PSU philos– ophy degree helped me greatly. Martha studied pipe organ as a youngster and in "Philosophy and pipe organ may seem unusual backgrounds far careers at the world's largest computer company, but we've found a solid college education to have many benefits, .both on and offthe job: " college and now has a rewarding career in software testing at IBM. Philosophy and pipe organ may seem unusual backgrounds fo r careers at the world's largest computer company, but we've fo und a so lid college education to have many benefits, both on and off the job. If students do not study philosophy or other liberal or fine arts, they may leave college with a myopic view of the world . My wife Martha and I feel satisfaction and joy having completed provi ions for an estate gift to the PSU Foundation. We are pleased to provide for the continuing success of the PSU Philosophy Department, a we fee l now, more than ever, that young people need an opportunity to develop a strong mora l and ethical foundation to find their place in and become a productive and meaningful part of soc iety. John OMalley '64 PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF PLANNED AND MAJOR GIFTS •:• 503~725-8307