PSU Magazine Winter 1995

Christine Carpenter MS is a minister at First C hristian C hurch in Portland . Shirleen Dunn is the national account sales manager for J nter– coastal Manufacturing Company in Portland. lntercoastal manufactures parts for golf carts. Willie G ray is an auditor with Fir t Interstate Bank in Portland. Ellene G urtov MS is the tra in– ing coordinator for ationwide Insurance in Portl and . Shannon H ess has been appoin– ted sale and marketing repre– sentative for Pac ific Science and T echnology of Bend. T he firm prov ides engineering services and products in the fi eld of energy conservation. Betsy McGowan H olzgraf MS is entering her second year as a media pec ialist at Eagle C reek Elementary chool. Derek H ostetler is beginning a three-year Mennon ite Central Committee ass ignment in Phnom Penh, ambodia. Hostetler will serve as project manager for this ervice, develop– ment, and relief agency. Paul Huebschman MBA , M '94 is a geologist with the U.S. Army orps of Engineers in Portland. Huebschman has worked for the Corps for 20 years. Susan Khalsa-Wyborski M W is supervisor of Marion and Polk Counties Healthy tart, a pilot program for ass i ting first-time parents identified as overbur– dened. Vicki Lyon-Zeff MS is a chapter I coord inator and reading speciali t at Sabin Elementary School in Portland . T anya L. McCollam is owner of User Friend lyTechnologies, a atell ite television bu ines in Ranier. She also is a second-year grad student in psychology at P U. Kris (Fairfield ) Miller has been promoted from product manager to alumni program manager, with responsibi lity for the alum– ni affinity credit card business at U.. Bank . zs P u Magazine Jacqueline Pulse is an account– ing assistant at un Management Services, an ass isted Iiving fac ility in alem. Patricia orman M W is a social service spec ial ist for h ildren's Serv ices Di vision in alem. Norman says that her four-yea r-old son adds plenty of welcome zest to her life. Eric Rice is quality as urance supervisor at LaVa lley Industries, a corrosion -resistant fiberglass company in Vancouver. Mark Tho rburn MA writes that he received an award/plaque from the O regon State Bar Assoc iati on's Internat ional Law Section "in appreciation fo r six years of tireless, determined and outstanding service." Christie West is a quality assurance technician with Reser's Fine Foods in Beaverton. '94 Ken Betschart has been promoted to account executi ve with the customer service depart– ment of U nited Postal ervice in Portland . Steve Daggett MS is proj ect manager for a statewide water– shed assessment being cond ucted by O regon Division of State Lands. Sean Fennessy is a second-year medica l student at Trinity College in Dubli n, Ireland . John G ratchner MURP is direc– tor of research and development at Great orthwest Rea lty in Portland . G ratchner plans to return to Portl and State in winter l995 to pursue a double master's degree in economics. Karen Leben has joined Portland Brewing Company as the quality control/assurance manager. Martha Lecuanda is a panish interpreter fo r the state of O regon Rehabi litation Depart· ment in Hi llsboro. Dick McKinley Ml)A is the public works ndm in istrator for the city ofW;1Jla Walla, Wash. McKin ley WflS prev iously with the city of pringfi eld. D SPORT S SC OR E BO A RD (September 23 through December 12) FALL SPORT FOOTBALL (9-3) Advanced to po t-season play fo r the seventh time in eight years. Won first round game agaimt Ange lo tare (T exas) 29-0, then lost to T exas A&M-Kingsv ille, 21-16. o rner– back Sam Peoples made first team A ll -America; running back Dari ck Holmes, offen-ive tac kle Jesus Moreno, and linebacker Jeff Boeken made first team A II -Region; and defensive tackle Brain tromberg and trnng safety Eri k Ries made second team. VOLLEYBALL (26-13) Won fifth straight Northwest Reg ion championship and a rrip to 13th stra ight NCAA tournament (since its incep– tion ). Mi chelle Buckner and C haney Ward made second team A ll -Ameri can; Mani Yamaguchi made first team All -Region; and head coach Cathy Nelson was picked Pac ific West Conference Coach of th e Yea r. CROSS COUNTRY Led by West Region champion Mike Mahoney, the P U men 's team took eighth in its first trip to the NCAA II nationals. Mahoney pl aced 16th in the nati onal, Andy Mari 21st, and Darin Rabb 3 lst, all three earning All-Ameri ca. WINTER S PORT WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Vikings are off to a 6-0 start under Coach G reg Bruce, th e best start in PSU h istory. PSU is expected to make a run at the national championship with fo ur re turning sta rters– Kim Mani festo, P.J. Hall , Kati e Rose, and Krist i Smith– joined by 6-foot-3- inch transfer center Lori Lahoda. P U has been in the playoffs fo r three stra ight yea rs. WRESTLING Ranked 12th in pre-season, a bit of a surprise because the V iks have no returning nat ional champi on fo r only the econd time in the past nine years. Coach Marlin Grahn led the Vikings to national championships in 1989 and 1990. Dave Viz:ini (1 58 lbs.) and Shane Lake (1 50 lbs. ) are back after quali fy ing for nationals last year. FOOTBALL APPREC IATlON BANQUET This year's Football Apprec iati on Banquet, scheduled for Saturd ay, Feb. 25, will celebra te another successful season and highli ght new athletes who have committed to joining the team in 1995 . The evening will include presenta tiom from fo rmer coaches, buffet-style dinner, ora l auction , raffl e, music and dancing, plus a film highlighting the 1994 season. For more information about the scholarsh ip fundra ising event, contact the P U Athletic Department at 725-4000. D