PSU Magazine Winter 1995

EDITOR Kathryn KirklanJ CO TRIRUTORS Myrna Durny, ' larence Hein '65, Janis Nichol.., Pat cott, Pac quire, Douglas Swamon, Rrian White CALENDAR EDITOR Bertha Martell DE IG Terry Daline EDITORIAL OFFICE 325 rnmer Hall P.O. Box 751 Portland , OR 97207-075 1 (503) 725-4451 ADVERT! ING SALE (503) 246-3 79 ALUM I RELATION OFFICE Pat quire, Director Scott Kaden, A sistant Direcwr 239 Mill Street BuilJing P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-075 1 (503) 725-4948 ALUMNI BOARD OF DIRECTOR Wally Harding '59, President Jim Aalberg '72 Brian Black '69 Ga ry Dominick '73, MSW '77 Ga il Dundas '87 John Eccles '69 Nancy Fargo '82 Michae l Glanville '65 Joe Gonzale '9 1 Deanna Hotchkis '88 Terry Hunt '65 Lee Jenkin '79 Joa n Johnson '78 Jan Kurtz ' 7 Rill Lemman, Vanport Leo Macleod '90 LinJa Macpherson MPA' 0 Linda Mar hall ' 3 usan Purpura '77 David chott '6 Jo Ann mith '90 Charle c toudam ire '72 Bill Walker '73, MPA '80 Merrie ZiaJ y '80, M T '82 Cover: P U is considering mov ing its athleti c teams to the Big ky Conference (story on page 5). lll u tration hy Tim Kilian FEATURES Reaching for the Big Sky Mov ing PSU ath letic team to the Big ky onfercncc– a match made in heaven or a era h land ing? Gangs: Moving to Your Neighborhood If gang only conjure up an image of urban black youth, you're wrong. 'New Era-New Challenge' Dealing with today's complex world requires new thinking, as suggested in th is article by System Science Prof Haro ld Lin tone. Dinosaur Preserve The dinosaur bones Dave Taylor dug up in Oregon thi pa t ummer are now part of the museum collection he over ees. Hooray for Hollywood A screenplay writer and PSU alum finds success in Tinse ltown. DEPARTMENTS Around the Park Blocks Philanthropy In Action Alumni As ociation News A lum Note Sport Scoreboard Ca lendar 5 9 12 14 18 2 16 21 24 2 29 PSU Maga~ine is puhlished for alumn i and friends of Portland care University. Contents may he reprinted only hy pcrmi;,sion of the editor. Plea;,e send ;1ddre;,s changes to the Office of Alumni Relations, Portland rate University, P.O. Rox 751, Portland, OR 97207-0751. P U is an affirmative action/equa l opportunity institution. WINTER 1995 I