PSU Magazine Winter 1995
C harles Stoudt is publisher of Oregon Voter Magazine and owner of roudr Consulting, a fi rm spec ializing in organization– al deve lopment and community relat ions. Peter Williams is a consulring engineer ar Borland Internation– al, a computer software company located in anta ruz, Ca lif. '90 Walt Amacher MPA is senior ediror/writer of Weekend St>orrs, a regional magazine covering active sport throughout the Northwest. Amacher and his wife, T erri ' I, a special education director in Banks, live in Portland. D avid Barrons has joined KPMG Peat Marwick, a profe - sional services firm in Portland . Barrons will specialize in sta te and local taxes. Courtney Canfield has been promoted to sale as ciare for the Beaverton branch of Barbara Sue Seal Properties. Chris Debler is a marketing rep– re entat ive with Damark lnterna– tion located in Minneapolis. T odd Hanson and Michael Moiso '89 are co-founders of Innovative Ideas Inc., with offi ces in Portland and Bismarck, N .D. T he business represents inventors or innovative ideas in the market place. Jim H olycross MURP '93 is a planner ll with the Columbia County Department of Land Deve lopment Services. Lisa Kittle M is a second/third grad and chapter I teacher at Dorena Elementary School in Cottage Grove. Kittle and her husband, P eter '89, have two sons, a three-year-old and four– month-old. Paula Phillips Long is a third grade teacher ar the Navajo Nation in Shiprock, N .M. Long was trained by the National Geogra-ph ic Society as a teacher/ con ulrant and reviewer of nation– al standards for Geographic Education. Pamela Morris i print center coordinator with the Gi lkey Center fo r Graphi c Arts at The SHOW YOUR COLORS! SWEATSHIRTS •!• T-SHIRTS •!• HATS The Portland State Bookstore carries an impressive selection of PSUimprinted sportswear and merchandise. PORTLAND STATE BOOKSTORE 1880 SW Sixth & Hall • Portland • (503) 226-2631 Portland Art Museum . Morris catalogs all paper works, includ – ing print , photographs, and water colors and arranges for their ex h ibition . Morris credits Professor Jane Kristof for helping set up her internshi p whi le she was a student ar Portland tare. Susa n Pederson MSW '93 is a medical soc ial worker with ourhwcsr Washington Medica l Center, an acute care hospi ta l in Vancouver. A leta Joy T alley, of Salem, owns Uncommon Language, which provides diversity educa– t ion. Tall ey also hosts her own 30- minute interview show called "Tape try" on rhe loca l acce hannel. '91 Paul Kinh Duong MPA is a refugee program coordinator in Portland. Duong is a liaison between loca l governmen t agen– cies and the area's 24 refugee commun it ies. Duong also serves on state and federal commissions dea ling with refugee and immigrant affa irs and assi t rhe city of Portland in implementing affirmati ve action policies. Lewton Jones i a musician whose C D, "T ake Mc T o The Furure," was released in A ugust on New W eave Record . Dan R obinson '9 1 des igned and painted the cover. Jone per– forms at various establishmcnts in Portland . Deborah Kronick is a fin ancial analyst with T ektronix in Beaverton . Gary Mortensen is vice pres i– dent of okol Blosser Winery in Dundee. Mark Peden returned ro the Portland area after a year in an Jose and is working for The Moore ompany. Peden writes: "I got th shock of my life this past year when I won a brand new Harley Dav idson motor– cycle." H. Dieter Rickford is found er of Advanced College Prep, a progressive alternative high chool in Portland. Dieter wi ll teach classes in a semi - nar/rurorial fa hion, wirh em– phasis on college preparation. Carolyn Stephenson is rhe charity golf tournament coor– dinator fo r Lutheran ocial Ser– vices, a social ervice agency in Sr. roi x, rhe Virgin Islands. '92 A thena Bettger is a third -year tudenr ar O regon Health Scien– ces Uni versity chool of Dentistry. Kathie Prieto-Braker MSW is a child and famil y therapist work – ing in northeast Portland. Priero– Braker spec ializes in individual/ fami ly therapy with gang– involved adolescents. Kathleen Schassen is owner of Di Fakro Media, a graphic design busines · in Portland . Shannon Stratton hCls been promoted from sraff accountant ro a senior po irion with rhe Porrland office of Grant Thornton , a national account· ing firm . Amber Stubbs is the personnel coord inator at Pro T em Profe - sional Staffing ervices in Portland. Randy Zasloff comp leted her masters in music/oboe from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. Zasloff h'1s reru med ro Portland and writes of a new musician in rhe famil y, Samuel, born Sepr. 7. '93 G raham Bergh MUS , of Portland, is founder of Resource Rev iva l, a firm manufacturing bungee cord -type straps, be lts, and dog collar from recycled materials. Bergh donates five percent of all pre-rax profits ro environmentally conscious non-profit groups. John Biggs MS is a sc ientifi c programmer at the O regon G raduate lnsrirure in Portland. Biggs also reaches two courses at Mt. Hood Community College. Mark Bi xel is a gra in merchan– diser wirh Northwest Trading, a commodity (feed grains) trading company in Portl and . WINTER 1995 27
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