PSU Magazine Winter 1994

' . - ... ~ c • '. • • . .1 Frank Roberts, professor emeritu of speech communications and long- time O regon Legislator, died of cancer Oct. 31. He wa 77. Robert , who se rved as both a member of the O regon House and Senate, was one of Portland State's first faculty. He played a key role in the transformat ion of the Univer ity from the Vanport Extension Center to today's urban university. MrilN Cb:Xxr O!Md E NairDtt 1-m Pls::ed C>.e" a:m CS1".sl lrrpla"tS In Tre Pest Ten YBB"'S Faculty in the news Making music goes beyond th walls of PSU's Music Department. Salvador Brotons is in his third year as conduc– tor of the Vancouver Symphony, while the Portland O pera O rchestra counts among its members Lawrence Johnson, French horn; Ann Obenour, principal bassoonist; Gordon Solie, bassoonist; and Karen Strand , English horn and oboe. Frederick Sautter is in his 27th year with the O regon Sym- "I wanted the most experienced doctor I could find. That's why I travelled all the way from England for my Meridian Dental Implant System. What they say is true... Eating can be wonderful again! I've had my implants for over five years and I simply couldn't be more satisfied. " Call Today For Your Consultation 1-800-4-IMPLANTS 1-503-692-3399 c::Jderzdian Dental Implant Systems 4 PSU Magaz ine phony as principal trumpeter; while Margaret Swafford , viola, has been with the symphony for 25 years; and Ma rtha Warrington , viola, has played 10 yea rs. Beverly Fuller, Business Administra– tion faculty, rece ived a Fulbright grant fo r this academic year to teach business and ass ist regional governments at the Khaba rov k Institute of National Economy in Khabarovsk , Portland's sister city in the Ru ian fa r east. Michihiro Kosuge uses rock, metal, and the land in his sculptures. The Art profes or has just completed the project "Seating Element Invo lving Stone" fo r the Portland Community College Sylvania campu . He is now working on piece fo r the 911 Emergency Communica tions Building and for Ed Bened ict Park (both in Portland) . The State Motor Vehicles Headquarters in Salem ha commiss ioned him to produce fo ur stone and stainless tee l courtyard sculptures. All projects are to be comp leted by summer 1994. Gil Latz, Geography faculty, ha been appointed by the Annenberg orpora– tion for Public Broadcasting to the advisory board for the telecourse "Geography: A Reg ional Approach to G lobal Space." The course will be deve loped into a nine- hour telev ision series with materials on the world ' 11 major geographic rea lms. Phyllis Hochstettler, Education emerita fac ulty, rece ived the Lifetime Achievement Award from the O regon Educational Media Association this fa ll. Hochstettler was instrumental in establishing the bas ic and standard endor ement and the master's degree programs fo r school librarians at PSU. Christine Thompson was chosen by her colleagues to receive the Burling– ton Northern Faculty Achi evement Award fo r teaching. Thompson has been an English fac ulty member since J 964 and helped develop the Women 's Studies ce rtificate program. Her field of spec ialty i~ women wri ters of the 19th and 20th centuries. George Tsongas, Mechanical Engineer– ing fac ul ty, has been appo inted by Mayor Vera Katz to the new Portland Energy and Environment Commi sion.