PSU Magazine Winter 1994

Tickets for dance, theater and music ~er­ formances are available at the PSU Ticket Office, SW Fifth and Mill, 725-3307, or at the door. Performing Arts Brown Bag Concerts Noon, 75 Lincoln Hall, free. Jan. 18 Jan. 20 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb.8 Feb. 15 Feb. 17 Feb. 22 Feb.24 Bryan Johan on, guitar, Hamilton Cheifetz, cello PSU Chamber Music String En emb le Fear No Music Bozo Arts Duo Tapestry String Quartet PSU Brass & Percussion Ensemble John Stowell Jazz Guitar Sunny Lee, violin The Real Story of C inderella Contemporary Dance 8 pm, Fri. & Sat.; 2 pm, un.; 175 Lincoln Hall; $12/$8/$6. Jan. 14-16 Robert Davidson Dance Company Concerts 75 or 175 Lincoln Hall (except Feb. 5), call for ticket prices. Jan. 17 New York Chamber Jan. 27 Feb.4 Feb.5 Feb. 13 Feb. 21 Mar. 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 8 Mar. 12 oloists, 8 pm Voca l Jazz Ensemble, 7 pm PSU Orchestra/Chamber Choir, 8 pm PSU Orchestra/Chamber Choir, First Methodi t Church, 8 pm Ensemble Viento, 4 pm Beaux Arts Trio, 8 pm PSU Jazz Combos, 7:30 pm Rachel Gauk, guitar recital, 8 pm Jazz En emble, 7:30 pm p U Orchestra, 8 pm Theater Arts 8 pm, 3 pm Feb. 13, 175 Lincoln Hall, $7/$6/$5. 13 "The Crucible" Feb 11- , 16-19 Piano Recital Series 4 pm, 175 Lincoln Hall, $15/$13/$8/$6. Feb. 27 Joseph Kalichstein Mar. 27 Bruno Leonardo Gelber Visual Arts Littman Gallery 12-4, weekdays; 7 pm, Thurs.; 250 Smith Memorial Center, free. Jan. 3-21 James Pepper Henry, Feb. 1-25 Mar. 3-25 Apr. 4-22 Otto Abahazy, & Randy Mitchell Ed Peters (reception Feb. 3) Su an Warnke Tower (reception Mar. 3) Marian Bowman (recep– tion Apr. 7) White Gallery 7 am- 10 pm, weekdays; 9 am-5:30 pm, at.; 2nd floor Smith Memorial Center, free. Jan. 3-21 Feb. 1-25 Mar. 3-25 Apr. 4-22 Loren Nelson Christopher Lay (recep– tion Feb. 3) Karin Krohne (reception Mar. 3) Carol Yarrow (reception Apr. 7) Gallery 299 8 am-7 pm weekdays, 299 Neuberger Hall, free. Jan. 10-28 Feb. 1-25 Mar. 1-31 Julia Fish & Cick Rezac (receptionJan. 20) Best of Oregon High School Show (reception Feb. 3) Greg Pfarr (reception Mar. 3) Lectures PSU Women's Lectures Scholarship fundrai er, 10:30 am, Al– bertina Kerr's R staurant, 424 NE 22nd (except where noted), $20. Jan. 14 Lunch and "Antique" c~n­ versation with Fred qu ire Feb. 18 Feb.27 Mar. 17 Lunch and convcr ation with Devorah Lieberman Chinese New Year's din– ner, 6-7:30 pm, anyon Pearl Re taurant, 1225 W Canyon Lunch and conver ation with Doug Goodyear Special Events Conference for Minority High School Students 8:30 am-1 pm, 355 Smith Memorial Center, free, call 725-4447 for informa- tion. Jan. 12 Introduced to Portland State University Handwriting Workshop lO am-1pm,355 mith Memorial Cen– ter, free (no reservation required). Jan. 22 "Write Now," a hand– writing improvement workshop Russian Poetry 7:30 pm, PSU main gym, free. Feb. 3 Yevgeny Yevtushenko Dance 8 pm, 355 Smith Memorial Center, ca ll 725-4910 for information. Feb. 12 PSU Birthday Bash Dance Luncheon Noon, 228 Smith Memorial Center, ca ll 725-4910 for information Mar. 22 Ret ired & Emeriti Profes– sor of PSU Luncheon Campus Notes Jan. 17 Mar. 19 Martin Luther King Day. University closed. Spring classes begin. WINTER 1994 29