PSU Magazine Winter 1994
Janet Ferguson MSW is a ub– stance abuse services coordinator at the Copper River Native As ociarion, a Native American corporation in opper River, Ala. James Hurd M , president and chief executive officer f Planar ystem Inc., wa named O regon's High-Tech Executive of rhe Year by the American Electronics As ociarion and the Boy Scouts of America in December. Hurd co-founded Planar, a manufacturer of flat panel di plays, in 1983. Marjorie Ross retired after 26 years with the Beaverton School District a a teacher and librarian . Les Schwartz, an inventory manager for Electromatic, Inc. Schwartz, is a member of rhe Tri– county Big Brother Advisory. He is also a big brother, a volunteer wtor for a night chool GED program, and a member of the Army Reserves for the past 26 years. Schwanz lives in Portland. Ardys Hanson Turska is an assistant to her husband, Dr. Warren T urska, a naruroparhic doctor for the past 60 years. T urska and her husband, both in their eighties, reside in C latskanie, Ore. John Wanjala MSW has been appointed campus ombudsman at Portland Stare. Formerly head of campus security, Wanjala will be an independent resource fo r students and faculty who need assistance in resolving problems within the campus community. Wanjala ha worked at PSU for 24 year . Dorothy Blosser Whitehead M ha published a book, Dys– lexia: Tutor Manual, a srep-by– step, multisensory approach to reaching, reading, writing and pelling to dyslexic person of any age. Whitehead li ves in Portland. Rick Young ha been teach ing marketing in the Lewiston (Idaho) chool District for rhe past 14 years. Young ha won severa l awards for reaching, including 1986 Idaho A lumni T eacher of the Ycar and 1990 Marketing Teach r of the Ycar. '72 Penny Amy is a professor of biological ciences ar University of Nevada at Los Vegas. Her re– search foc us is microbia l ecology. Amy wrote, "I received the foun– dation for my career at P U and think warmly of my profe sor there." Charlotte Smith Arnold is the director of marketing at Human– ities Software in Hood River, Ore. She and her husband, Richard, have three chi ldren. David Fowler was elected vice president of Cereal Byproducts Company of Mr. Prospect, Ill., a major food and feed product dis– tribution firm. Fowler is re pon– sible for rhe Portland operation. Violet Huber MEd is a sub– sriwte teacher. he retired in 1984 at age 70 from rhe Beaver– ton School District, where she was a media specialist. George Samaan is the executive director of O regon H using and Associated ervi ces Inc., a statewide non-profit corporation involved in the construction of affordable housing . Samaan is admini tering rhe only HUD HOPE 3 program in Oregon. '73 Richard G. Anderson M T is a medical recnologisr at Rogue Valley Medical Center in Medford, O re. Thom Armstrong MA ha been appointed a ociate dean for rhe Social Science Division ar Mr. Hood Community Coll ege. Thomas Current M , a retired federal economic development official, now spends his rime writ– ing, editing, and publishing books and newsletters for stamp collectors. C urrent, 70, is al o an av id golfer. Shabtay Levy is rhe president of Levy Design, Inc., a firm which pecializes in the design and prod uction of hands-on interac– tive exh ibi t . C lients include cience museums in rhe United tate and abroad. AITORNEYS AT LAW Your Alumni Legal Connection Craig D. Bachman B.S., Psychology, 1972.; J.D., Lewis & Clark/Northwestern School of Law, 1978. 52.0 S.W. Yamhill Suite BOO Portland, OR 972.04·1383 1503)2.2.6-615I Scott P. Monfils B.S., History, 1975; J.D., Gonzaga University, magna cum laude, 1980. Mark E. Chasse Anchorage, AK B.A., History and University Honors Program, with high honors, 1989; ).0., New York University, 1992. Los Angeles, CA Mount Vernon, WA Olympia, WA San Francisco, CA Seattle, WA '74 David Dexter is the general manager and chief executive officerof Physician Medlab in Tigard. Bruce Kirkpatrick is a market– ing consultant in Chaska, Minn. He is al o rhe founder and direc– tor of Drama Ministries at Road Home Church in Eden Prai rie, Minn. The company provides theatrical productions, sketches and drama workshops while delivering a hrisitan message. Randall Nelson is director of Institutional Research and Policy Studies at the University of Cali fornia, Santa Cruz. John Peachey is rhe director of quality as urance and srati tics for Tube Forging , a divi ion of Zidell orp. Peachey lives in Oregon City. '75 Anthony Filipovitch PhD repre– sented P U Pre idem Judith Ramalcy ar rhe inauguration London, England Reach 50,000 alums with your advertising message at a great pnce. Call Carol Cerasin Advertsing Sales 246-3879 Spring dead line Feb. 20 PSUMagazine of Richard Rush as president of Mankato tate University (Mankato, Minn.) in eptcm– ber. Filipovirch is a profe or of urban tudies ar Makato tare. Jeanette Soby M teaches a course on "Prenatal Exposure to Drugs/Alchohol" at P U each term. Wimer term the course is offered Jan. 14-15. Soby has writ– ten a book by rhe same name which is scheduled for publica– tion this year. WINTER 1994 25
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