PSU Magazine Winter 1994
creating an electronic mail network to track alums and build a mailing list. At the meeting, Farr read a letter from PSU President Judith Ramaley. She emphasized the importance of the alumni group to the PSU family. Literally thousands of PSU graduates have come from rhe region, making it the large t single segment of foreign students. Many alums in the region hold prominent po itions in their countries and the area is an important trading partner with the United States. Farr was in Bahrain meeting with officials from the university, as well as the Bahrain mini ters of education and information. They discussed the possibility of locating a PSU summer abroad program for Arabic studies at the University of Bahrain. Farr also told the alumni group that the Middle East Studies Center was planning to establish a special program for Gulf-Arab studies in the near future, and asked for their help in leading a capital fund drive with a goal of $2 million. D CAN'T SEE H<>W Y<>U'LL AFF<>RI) C<>LLE<iE F<>R Y<>UR CHILD? We'll show you how. John Hancock's free, no-obligation financial analysis can show you how to begin a savings plan today. 503-235-8741 Ask for Steve Khamkhosy or Rob Ericksen ~ USA ~ OFFICIAL LIFE INSURANCE SPONSOR 1994/1996 U.S. OLYMPIC TEAMS John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company and affiliated companies, Boston, MA 02 I I7 Planning on getting in shape? And buy a PSU Alumni Benefit Card! The basic ABC card is only $10. For an additional fee, the Card can help you shape up in the PSU gym, research that new business Using a computer? Reading a good book? venture in the PSU Library, print out your reports on a laser printer, and-hold everything-even park on campus! The PSU Alumni Benefit Card ... what a deal! Get the details from your friendly PSU Alumni Relations Office. Office of Alumni Relations Room239 us Mill Street Building "1""' ~ 506 SW Mill Street ~1.c; ~) Portland 12-n-9" ~ \.-=:;;;;;=·;:;;•Pl••;;;;·.. --~.· . 725-4949 WINTER 1994 23
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