PSU Magazine Winter 1993
Multicultural Center The Wrap-it Transit food area on the first floor of rnith Memorial Center ha been chosen as the location of P U' new Multicultural Center. Students met with faculty, staff, and P U admi nistrat rs during fa ll term to di cu variou ires on campu . "This location has the advantage of being in a high traffic corridor and being directly acces ible to the new Information & Academic Support Cen– ter," say Lindsay Desrocher , vice presi– dent of Finance and Administration. Renovation of the area shou ld be completed by February, at which time the PSU Multicultural Center will move from its temporary pace in 225 Smith Center. Wrap-it Transit fo d service will be retained. Establishment of a multicultural cen– ter for Portland State was approved by President Judith Ramaley last pring. The center will focus on collaborative interaction, including spon ored events, community development activities, public school tutoring and mentoring, and serve as a central meet– ing place for students, facu lty, and staff to exchange ideas. Birthday dance to oldies Dig out those poodle skirts. Dust off the white bucks. Or let down your hair and put on those love beads for a PSU Birthday Bash from 8 to 11 p.m., Satur– day, Feb. 13, in the Smith Memorial Center ballroom. The dance i open to the community. Hosted by the Party in the Park Committee and KI N Radio, the dance will feature recording from the late '40s to early '70s played by J.J. Jeffr y and Ken O'Brien of Kl N. ln keeping with the 47th birthday of P U, there will be a 47 cent admi ion fee. For special requests (music/other) or information call Dixie Sweo, Univer- ity pecial Events Office, 725-5319. The day before the dance, Feb. 12, from 11 :30 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Univer ity's 47th birthday will be ce lebrated with comp limentary cake, a lide how, and recognition of facu lty service in the Vanport Room, 338 Smith Center. The public is welcome. Peggy Swafford, PSU associate professor of music, gives violin lessons to Justin and Aimee Baumgarner and their three sisters for the Urban Music Project Music for all children The School of Fine and Performing Arts has initiated a new musical out– reach program dedicated to providing qua lity, afforJable musical instruction to young people in Portland. The Urban Music Project is making special efforts to reach disadvantaged and minority youth. PSU faculty and teachers and per– fo rmers from the community are provid– ing private and semi-private instruc– tion to children of all ages and ability level . The 40 students enrolled during fall term receiveJ ne half-hour !es on per week for 10 week . They al o were able to enro ll in a ba ic musicianship class and join an appropriate ensemble. Ethnomusicologist tephen Martin, director of the project and an associate professor of music, says, "Through this program we hope to enhance the livability of our city and help young people of all race develop the full measure of their talent ." The Urban Music Project received some start-up fund from the Metropolitan Art Commission, accord– ing to Martin, but the self-supporting program is mo tly re lying on tuition and donations for funding. For more information call 725-5370. Senator scholarships A reception wa held in December honoring new and continuing winners of the enators Mark Hatfield and Bob Packwood Minority cholar hips. The cholar hip wa establi hed in 1990 with a contribution from William Reesman, pre idem of National Con– sumer CreJit Guarante A oc iation, Ltd. Ree man's wi h wa to a sist stu– dents who show promise but have not ach ieveJ out randing academic perfor– mance becau e of financial hardship. Twelve student were identified the first year to receive $2,000 renewable academic awards. Of that fir t year' group, three have graduated (one remains on scholarship for graduate studies in social work), three are till on scholarship, one ha tran ferred to OSU, two have left school, and three remain in school without the scholar– ship. In 1991, six additiona l recipients were identified for the academic year. Four of them continue on scholarship and the other two remain in chool without the cholar hip's assistance. Four additional students have been selected to receive an award, thi academic year. p UJ
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