PSU Magazine Winter 1992

Michael Hanegan i vice presi– dent of electron, Inc., a Portland company that installs telecommunication systems for bu inesscs. Barbara Portwood recently joined the Portland geotechnical and envi ronmencal firm of Applied Geotechnology Inc., as a proj ect manager. Portwood is a geologist. Sallie Shippen is rector of Grace Episcopal Church in A toria, O re. She is the first woman priest in the Western Oregon Diocese to erve as rector. Shippen's church is on the Na– tional Register of Historic Place and is 106 year old. '79 Donald Hutchison M T ' I has written three college mathe– matics textbooks that will be published January 1993 and h as contracts for three more to be published in 1994. Hutchison lives in Portland. PSD Amy McCullough i manager of human resources for Farmers' New World Life Insurance in Mercer Island , Wash. Mc ullough says that she "en– joys her job because it allows her to use her psychology and busi– ness background ." Rosemary Ryan MPA is the re:.earch director for Project ARIE , a eattle-based coun el– ing program stri ving to reduce barriers to AID prevention. Rya n, who lives in Seattle, received her MSW and PhD from the Uni versity of Wa·hington . Barbara Swanson was named account executive at the new Portland office of Alta Health Strategies, a Salt Lake C ity– based hea lth care cost contain– ment company. '80 Linda MacPherson MPA is enior policy planner for the water quality initiative group at CH2M Hill lnc. in Portl an<l . pm1RT~L~~fii (!) A. Baseball hat .................................................................... $9.95 ~: ~tf~c!!~fi}br:~:~~~oE~~;}~~·.;·~:-:-:-:-·:.:.:-::._.:-:::-.-::-:-:-::::: ..:.::::.::·:·:·:-:::·:::.:::.:.::::::.:·.·.·.·::::. ~~{:~~ and long-sleeved r s............................................ ................................ $ 19.95 D. IOO'k: cotton sho11-sleeved T-shirt by Gear. . . .... . . .... . .. . . . $14.95 E. Ash-color •weatsh1rt by Desert Spo11swear ... 98% cotton .. $29.95 F. Dark green sweatshi11 with white imprint by Gear........ ....................... $29.95 (a>h-color also available with dark green imprint)...................................... $26.95 26 PSU Denise Kay Matson is begin– ning her sixth year as peech/lan– guage specialist for the Steamboat Springs School Di - trict in teamboat Springs, Colo. Hitomi Saheki is a tax manager in the Portland office of Cooper & Lybrand . '81 Shoshana Blauer-Miller MA is executive director of the Washington County Roundtable for Youth, an organization at– tempting to reduce the school dropout rate and increase job skills and employment oppor– tuniti e for at-risk youth in Washington County. Lynne Pike is city clerk for White Salmon, Wash. Pike, a Vancouver resident, was previously the administrative as– sistant for the city of Woodland , Wash. Alan Rasmor i commercial un – derwriting manager for th e Van– couver, Wash. , branch of Farmers Insurance group. John Stember is a senior plan review engineer with the Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska. Stember is married with two daughters. '82 Dale Buscho MS '91 teaches learning disabled students at Franklin High Schoo[ in Portland . He has received a Meri torious Service Award from the O regon Developmental Dis– abilities Cammi sion for his work toward furthering employ– ment opportunities for the developmentally disabled. Robert L. Mork is a financi al consultant with Shearson Leh– man Brothers in Portland, where he was recently promoted to portfolio manager. Mork lives in Portland with his wife and two children. Patricia K. Wafer MSW has opened a counseling offi ce in Lebanon, Ore., where she offers individual, mari tal, and famil y counseling. SHIPPI GANDHANDLINGCHARGES: SUB TOTAL PTO SI 0.00--ADD $2.00 $ I0.01-$20.00--ADD $2.75 OVER $20.00--ADD $3.00 SHIPPING & HANDLING TOTAL Please a llow 4 lo 6 weeks for delivery. Prices are subject to change without notice. If an item is temP.orarily out ol stock, you will be notified. Styles and descnpttons may vary slightly. MAKECHECKS PAYABLETO: PORTLANDSTATE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Visa, Mastercard &American Express also accepted. CARD# EXP. DATE ____ S lGNATURERequiredfouhargeofpurrhuses. -------------– SHIPTO (Please print. Sorry, no P.O. Boxes) NAME---------- GRADUATION YEAR __ ADDRESS ___________________ CITY __________ STATE ZIP--------- PHONE __________ PLEASE MAIL ORDER FORM TO: PSU!=!9 .. 9a~~!~~ .. ~ I880 SW Sixth • Portland, OR • 9720 l-5286