PSU Magazine Winter 1992
Paul E. Quin MS has been recognized by the American peech-Language Hearing As– soc iation for his admini trati ve and voluntary service to the profession. Quin is the educa– tional director of the C hildren's Language In titute in Ludlow, Mass., a private, state-approved day school for language- impaired children. Deborah Wheeler MS recently sold her fir t novel to Daw Book , a publisher spec ializing in science fiction. Wheeler, who live in Mar Vista, alif., has been.writing science ficti on for eight years and has had many short st ries published. Her novel is titled )aydium. Vincent Zanobelli M is prin– cipal ofWarrenton High School in Warrenton, O re. '74 Thomas Breidenthal, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Ashland, Ore., recently rece ived his doctoral degree from Oxford University, England. In add ition , Breidenthal ha a Master of Arts degree from University of Victoria and a Master of Divinity from C hurch Divinity School of the Pacific, Calif. He and his wife Margaret have two children. Avel Gordley is State Repre– sentative for District 19 in Portland. She replaces Ron Cease '50 who was appointed to fill a vacancy in the Senate. At the time of her appointment, Gordley was chairwoman of the Portland C hief' Forum, an ad– vis ry group for Police Chief Tom Potter. She was the first director of the House of Umoja, a residential program for black youths at risk of gang activity. Richard LaViolette has formed Richard N. LaViolette & Associates, a Portland marketing and corporate communications firm which will target the needs of high technology companies. LaViolette wa art director at Karakas Van ickle O uellette Advertising and Public Rela– tions. Eva Parsons MA is director of people management for Cellular O ne in Portl and . She is respon– sible fo r personnel recruitment and development for the com– pany, H uhsidi ary of McCaw ommunications Inc. '75 Susan Goldsmith is owner of Health Access Inc., a Portland geriatric care management busi– ness. Goldsmith, a clinical soc ial worker, started her business in 1985. Terry Hu MSW is a social worker at Gregory Heights Mid– dle School in Portland. Sandra Mershon and her hu - band Albert Brenaman '65, M T '71, are spending this year in Beijing, hina, on a teacher exchange program. The couple, both employed in the Reynolds School District, are teaching in– tensive English language and American culture at the chool of Economic Management in the Beijing Polytechnic University. The couple and their two children will return to the United States in summer 1992. Ellen Steen MBA '82 is vice pre idem of membership for the O regon chapter of the Interna– tional A sociation of Financia l Planning. '76 Dennis H. Ross has been el cted president of the San Diego chapte r of the American Public Works A oc iation (APWA). Ross is vice president of engineering for Management ervices Institute, Inc., a Cali fo r– nia fin ancial and management consulting firm spec ializing in public agency finance. He also teaches professional develop– ment work hops for the APWA Education Foundation. Frederick Small has joined the Lake 0 wego environmental con ulting firm, Scientific Re ources Inc. mall , a botanist, was previ usly with the U.S. Forest ervice in Gresham. MORE THAN TEXTBOOKS. Just because those initials PSU are in front of the word BOOKSTORE doe n't mean we just carry textbooks for the university students... we've got a lot more! Science fiction , biographies, classics, magazines and a wide selection of children's books- just to name a few. And we're open to the public too! So don't be fooled by the name... come see us today! PSU !=!~pc:!~~!!?v~~ 1880 SW Sixth & Hall• 226-2631 • Special orders and purchase orders welcome • '77 Hamid Afghan MS '85 is co– founder and prin– cipal of Afghan Rippey, Inc., a consu lting en– gineering firm in Portland . The firm provides ---~..-_.. structural design and eva luation services to mem– bers of the building industry. Af– ghan was formerly a vice president and manager at Mack– enzie Engineering, Inc., in Portland . Gregg Johnson has joined the Portland office of Ater Wynne Hewitt Dod on & Skerrit attor– neys. Johnson will head the firm's cred itor rights, business reorganization, and bankruptcy group. Steve Karakas MBA is president of the board of directors for the Portland As ociation of Advertis– ing Agencies. Karakas is a partner at Karakas VanSickle Ouellette Advertising and Public Relations. Agris Pavlovskis MS lives in East Lansing, Mich., where he is executive vice pre ident of the Michigan Exchange arriers Association, a consortium of 36 local telephone exchange com– panie in the state. Meridel Prideaux is a vice presi– dent of the board of directors for the Portland Association of Advertising Agencies. Prideaux is a partner in the advertising public relations agency of Prideaux Sullivan Pattison. Jeffrey Watts is the manager of dealer ser\'ice marketing for General Motor's Pontiac Division in Pontiac, Mich. Watt , who has worked for General Motors for 12 years, li ves in Rochester Hills, Mich. '78 Timothy Haley MSW i the director of Multnomah County's O uter-east Youth Service Cen– ter. Haley pent three years at Harvard Divinity School and was a Unitarian minister in Washington , D.C., before return– ing to Portland. PSU 25
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