PSU Magazine Winter 1992

Compiled by Teresa O'Heam Schumacher Vanport Harry Zimmerman has retired after 46 years as manager of the River View Cemetery in Portland. '56 Margaret L. Wallen writes that after teaching second grade for 10 years and special education for 10 more, she retired in 1977. Since then she has started the Youth At Risk Chamber of Com– merce Committee in Gresham and in 1990 put on a three-day community action planning workshop. '60 Robert Boster MST '65 writes that he retired in 1988 from Glencoe High School in Hillsboro where he taught chemistry from 1965-88. Before Glencoe he taught at what was then Portland State College. '63 Gary M. Curtis is athletic direc– ror at John F. Kennedy High School in Mt. Angel, Ore. Loyd Henion is chief economist for the O regon Department of Transportation in Salem. Kurt Krause has joined The uran G roup, a Portland management con ulting firm. Krause was previously with Fujitsu America's Hillsboro manufacturing facility. '65 Gail Goodrick, a librarian for the Kitsap Regional Library, completed a master' degree in art history at the University of Washington in 1990. She lives in Bremerron, Wash. 24PSU Carol Ann Henselman Green is living in Minneapolis, Minn., with her husband and daughter. Green, who received an MAT from Purdue University and a master's degree in math from the Uni versity of Illinois, is active with the Minneapolis League of Women Voters. Kenneth Hague writes that while he is somewhat older than the average 1965 PSU graduate (he's 69), he spent August 1991 climbing the Matterhorn and a number of other Swiss Alps. '67 Doris Brown Fong is head librarian at Ben on High School in Portland. Glen Morris is director of finance and accounting for Lincoln County, Ore. He was previously busines manager for the Port of Portland. '68 Gary Holmberg MST is super– intendent of Baker School Dis– trict SJ in Baker C ity, O re. Before assuming his post in O regon, Holmberg was the super– intendent of the Zillah School District in Washington. '69 Roy D. Kruger MBA '81, EdD '9 1, is director of research and in– novation as es ment for the Small Business Development Center at Washingron State University in Pullman. Gary Leiser is the command historian for the 22nd Air Force at Travis Air Force Base in California. He recently trans– lated M. Fuad Koprulu's classic Turkish work The Origins of the Ottoman Empire, published by Exercise leads to publishing for alums When Stephen Walker '59 decided to begin an exercise pro– gram, he looked for a book geared to "older men," but all he found were programs featuring the young, beautiful, and al– ready in ~hape. Discouraged, Walker, a circuit court judge for Multnomah County, decided to develop his own program. The program worked so well, he enlisted his wife Gloria '71, a recently retired counselor from the Beaverton School Dis– trict, in producing and publishing a book, Fimess For Failing Physiques Over Fifty, Viejo Publications. With illustration by Dick Richardson, the book i a humorous approach to exercise for the not-so-young and "smokers and drinkers too!" Fimess for Failing Physiques has been picked up by Pacific Pipeline, a company that distributes independently published books to major chain bookstores on the west coast, such as J .K. Gill and B. Dalton Booksellers. Meanwhile the Walkers have en– joyed their foray into the world of publishing and are considering enlarging the book and adding some new exercises. According to Gloria Walker, "Even though the book is writ– ten humorously, if you follow the exercise routines they really work!" 1-omeftlC. ~~ lighteJetaSllWllh weight$ State University of New York Pre . Cydney Clutter Pearce works in Houston selling office furniture. She is married and lives in The Woodlands, Texas. '71 Judith Delahunt MS '81 is prin– cipal of Templeton Elementary School in Tigard , Ore. Theresa Helvey is living in St. Loui where she is human resources manager for Union Camp Corporation. Helvey received her master's degree in 1986 from Maryville University in St. Louis. James D. Huffman has a law practice in Astoria and another in St. Helens. Bernedine Lund is project manager for cancer research studies at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. She is married to alum– nus Phillip Lund '73. Steve Washburn is executive director of the Puget Sound chapter of the National Electri– cal Contractors Association. Washburn and his wife, Suzanne, live in Seattle and are expecting their first child in May 1992. '72 Norma McMillin has retired as a Lincoln County Commissioner after serving four years. She lives in Otis, Ore. '73 Jon McCormick MS is a clinical psychologist in New York C ity, where he has a private practice and also works at St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital as supervis– ing psychologist and co-director of their postdoctoral fellowship in medical psychology. He is married with one son.