PSU Magazine Winter 1992
Knowledge served the city during weekend "This wa grea t ! A wonderful sam– pling.. ." sa id one participant. "Keep doing this every yea r!" sa id another. "Great class ses i n . lt was enj oyable to be on campus for the first time since 1966-67 ," said an enthusiastic alumnu . These are ju ta few of the com– ments from partic ipants after the PSU Alumni A ociation's "Let Knowledge Serve the C ity" Alumni Weekend held Nov. 1-3 n th e PSU campus. A new feature of the second annual Alumni Weekend was Seminar Day, a series of 31 free lectures and panel dis– cussions by PSU fac ulty and com– munity volunteers. Subj ects ranged from "Finding Fault with Po rtland," professor Ansel Johnson's talk on earthquakes in the city, to "Biomed ica l Ethics," a thought-provoking talk by PSU President Judith RaLTrnley. According to co-chairs Molly Ingram '74 and Stan Sander '81, the program was a highly succe sful experi – ment. "We're trying to create a new kind of 'Homecoming' that is uniquely uited to the urban nature of Po rtl and S tate. This really clicked and we' ll definite ly do it again," sa id Ingram. The lectures were advertised through a brochure and PSU Magazine. O ve r 240 peopl e preregistered to at– tend se sions. "There were also a lot of walk-ins," said Pat Squire, alumni direc Michael Sisavic gives a seminar on PSU's role in the changing nature of Eastern European economics. tor. "ln all, the lecture program at– tracted well ove r 300 people. And not all of them were alumni; we had a good showing from the loca l communi ty." Other Alumni Weekend highlights inclu<led a fo llow-up to last year's high– ly publicized Co llege Bowl contest be– tween alumni and tudents (the alumni won thi year) , an exciting evening of jazz starring well -known loca l alumni, an alumni art how, a luncheon featur– ing a talk by nati onall y syndicated columnist Calvin Trillin , and the third annual "Viking Alumni Night ," a pre– football game party. Members of the PSU Viking Club enjoy a pre-game reception during Alumni Weekend events, Nov. 1-3. Nationally syndicated columnist Cal– vin Trillin autographs copies of his latest book following his lecture. Placement files purged The University is undergo ing a statewide archiva l study which will re– quire that some alumni placement files be purged in the PSU Career Center. Files that have not been activated o r updated for 10 yea rs may be destroyed. Placement fil es were created by tu– dents o r fo rmer students who earned at lea t 12 credit hours from Portland tate and re 1uested job placement help from the Ca reer Center or fo rmer Place– ment O ffi ce. The center i mo t often u ed by educators. Former students who wish their file to be reta ined must contact the Career Center at 725 -4613 . The center may not release o riginal file material or allow access to confidential material. Copies of non-confidential material may be obta ined . K-House reunion Campus Ministry will celebrate the 25th anniversary of Ko inonia House (affectionately known as K-House) on Thursday, Jan. 30, at 5:30 p.m. in Smith Center Ballroom. PSU alumni who had any connec– tion with K-House from 1967 through 1991 and are interested in attending the dinner should ca ll 226-7807 to make reservations. Cost fo r the evening event is $ 15. PSU 23
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