PSU Magazine Winter 1992
President's letter Dear Alumni : The Alumni Association, of which you are automatica lly a member, just sponsored one of the most successful events we've eve r had at PSU. If you didn't attend any part of this fa ll' Alumni Weekend, you may want to watch for it nex t year. Judging from the enthusiastic re ponse, this is the kind of event PSU alumni want to attend . Some top priorities for this year's Alumni Board of Directors include en– hancing the alumni advocacy program; working to promote a pos itive image of the Univer ity; involv– ing more alumni with the Associa– tion and the University; and expanding the relationship be– tween the Alumni Association and the students at PSU. In each of these areas we are developing specific program to achieve these goals. The major source of funding for the Association is the PSU Alumni VISA card from US Bank. The Assoc iation rece ives revenue every time you use your VISA ca rd . If you don't have one, with its low 15.9 percent interest rate, ca ll the Alumni Office today fo r infor– mation. As PSU winds down a succe sful fa ll with the dedication of the new library, with ome truly fine achievement in academics, and with the outstanding succe of our athletic teams, we all fee l a great pride in the University. We encourage your active participation in this success. Sincerely, Utttt/;ffe WI~ Miriam Selby '68, President P.S. To find out how you can become involved with the PSUAlumni Associa– tion, call the Alumni Office at 725-4948. 22 PSU Standing in for PSU Alumni represented Portland tate at uni versity inaugurations across the country last year, and according to their letters, they had a wonderful time. When Pres ident Judith Ramaley is unable to attend a ceremony inaugurat– ing a new pres ident at another institu– tion, alumni are asked to go in her place. Alumni attending ceremonies from Maine to Ca li fornia fo und it a moving and sometimes amusing exp ri ence. Bonnie A. Zogby '68 of Ca li~ rnia writes, "Dear Pre ident Ramaley: Thank you for the rare privilege of rep– resenting you and Portland State University at the inauguration of teven Sampl e as president of USC. I had a fine time. The day wa unny, yet not too warm. I seated myse lf next to the representative from the University of Virginia, who sat next to the gentleman from Harvard , who had been upstaged by the professor from Yale, who refu sed to surrender her seat." Zogby goe on to de cribe the brunch fo llowing the ceremony, "As I surveyed th graciou surroundings, a delightful gentleman stepped up and sa id, 'Let's call in the stragglers. I'm hungry.' And so I had the opportunity to speak with Pres ident Sample in per– son. Delightful." Alumnus Eric Funk '75 , MST '78, of Montana attended the inauguration of President Michae l Peter Malone at Montana State University. He writes, "A number of speaker addressed the pre ident and audience. Most notable for me was Ivan Doig, author, whose comments were o beautiful and literate." He goes on to write, "I was instilled with great pride as a repre– sentative for Portland State... thank you for allowing me this chance to hold the PSU banner high." It is vital fo r Portland tate to be represented around the country, accord– ing toRamaley. She was pleased by the number of institutions that sent area alumni to her own inauguration at PSU . "Inaugurations represent a special chance to celebrate the strength of ta uni ve rsity and the promise of the fu– ture," say Ramaley. O ther Portland State alumni who have attended inaugurations this year are, Kori Allen '84 at University of San Francisco, William C lark M.D. '70 at Uni versity at Albany, Elizabeth Durr '81 at Colorado tate University, James Me erschmidt '73 at University of Southern Maine, Cheryl K. Page '74 at Rollins College, C larence A. Porter '62 at Howard University, Douglas Prescott '66 at Manhattanville College, Paul Soderholm '68 at Chicago State University, Michael Fogarty '67 at Kent State University, Steven L. Duncan '75 at Oregon Institute of Technology, and Michael Fisher '73 at La S ierra Univer ity. Nominations sought for outstanding alumni The PSU Alumni As oc iation s eks nominations fo r the annual Outstand– ing Alumni Awards which will be presented during the "PSU Salutes" luncheon Friday, May 1, at the Multnomah Athletic C lub. There have been nine O utstanding Alumni Award winner , among them retired Oregon Supreme Court Ju tice Betty Roberts and ports figure Neil Lomax. F r a nomination form, please contact the PSU Alumni Office at (503) 725 -4948. Career planning help Looking for a satisfying, challenging, and rewarding job?The eight-week class '.'Alumni Career Planning," will prov ide tools for evaluating your own intere ts, increas ing your confidence, and making informed career choices. The cla s i taught by PSU care r coun elors Dee Thompson and Tricia Bergmen on Tuesdays, Feb. 4 - March 24, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in 225 C ramer Hall. The first four sess ions will focus on self-assessment, while the last half of the course will address job search skill and strategies. Cost fo r the cla s is $150 and inter– ested alumni or friends may register through the P U Office of Alumni Affairs, 725 -4948.
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