PSU Magazine Winter 1989

I AROUND THE PARK BLOCKS Chamber choir to tour England Portland State Univers ity 's Chamber Choir is planning a tour of Eng land thi s spri ng. To help raise funds , members of the Choir have formed vocal quartets avail able for hire to provide "a cappella'" performances to businesses and organizations in the Portland metropo litan area. To arrange a holiday performance for your organizati on or to con tribute to the Chamber Choir to ur fu nd , contact C. Glenn Burnett during the day at PSU's Music Dept.. 4725-30 11 , or evenings at 245-8020. PSU 's Chamber Choir, directed by Dr. Bruce Browne. has been declared one of the best choirs in the Northwest. Professor receives Fulbright grant The Counci l for Intern ational Exchange of Scholars announced recentl y that PSU chemistry professor Gary L. Gard has been awarded a Fulbright Scholar Grant (Senior Professor Award) for research at the University of Bremen in the Federa l Republic of Germany, from Se ptember 1989 to July 1990 . He wi ll be among approximatel y 1,000 Americans se lected to go abroad to lecture or conduct research during the 1989-90 academic year. Gard has been on the facu lty at Portland State University since 1966. From 197 1 to 1977 he was head of the PSU Chemistry department. He was acting dean of the College of Science as well as coordinator of the Environmental Sc ience Ph.D . Program. from 1979 to 198 1. Gard is a member of several profess ional and honorary organizations and was c ited in the 18th edition of Who 's Who in the West. Widely published , he received numerous grants, awards and scholarships for hi s work in the chemistry of oxidation , flu orine chemistry and bio log ica l activity of fluoro groups. The Fulbright Program, established in 1946 under Congressional leg islation and introd uced by former Senator J. Wil liam Fu lbright of Arkansas , is designed "to increase mutua l understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. " Individua ls are se lected on the basis of academic and profess ional qualifications plus their ability and willingness to share ideas and experience with people of diverse cultures. Child Development center receives accreditation The Helen Gordon Chi ld Development Center was reacc redited thi s fall by the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs . T he Academy recogni zes programs which meet nati onal qua li ty standards for early childhood programs. Three years ago, Helen Gordon Chi ld Deve lopment Center was the first early childhood program in the State of Orego n to be acc redited by the Nationa l Academy. To rece ive accreditati on, the Center met strict criteria related to its acti vities for toddlers and presc hoo laged children . trained and qualified staff, heal th and safety standards, and opportunities for parental invo lvement. A threemember national commission conducted an onsite review of the faci li ty, which serves 96 chi ldren a day from ages 2 to 5 years , according to director Margaret Browning. Task force to study safety on campus Interim Pres ident Roger Edgington. w ith the encouragement of PSU Associated Student Body President Willi am Hoar. has appointed a 19-member task force to study safety and sec urity issues on the PSU campus . Noting that ttiere has been increased public concern over such issues , Edgington said. "Unfortunate ly, no place is invu lnerable to cri minal elements. But our location in the metropolitan area subjects us to much greater exposure. " Chairing the task force is Charles Tracey, assoc iate dean of the Schoo l of Urban and Pub lic Affairs, as we ll as chair and professor of its Admi ni strat ion of Justice Department. The task force also includes representati ves from student organizations, admi nistrative departments, the Park Blocks Assoc iation , and the Port land Police Bureau . Affirmative Action assistant named Barbara Williams began work October 2 in the Affirmative Action Office of Portland State University as Ass istant to the Director for Affirmative Action and Eq ual Employment Opportun ity Speciali st. T he Affirmative Action Office is directed by Arnrnndo Laguardia , Interim Director for Affirmative Action and Special Assistant to the Presi dent for Minority Affairs . Wi lliams holds a BA in English from Mill s College, a Masters degree in Library Sc iences from University of California– Berkeley, and is a third-year law student on leave of absence from Lewis & C lark College. She has worked as an ass istant editor fo r Psychologv Today Maga::.ine and as a public librarian in San Diego , Califo rni a. She also has taught Ad ult Basic Education for Portl and Community College. In add ition, Williams spent several years as a corporate office r in the banking industry, including five years at First Interstate Bank as an Assistant Vice Pres ident. She has significant experience in equal employment and labor re lati ons. Wi ll iams' duties at PSU wi ll include the monitoring of the unclassified personne l hiring process , affirmati ve acti on rec ru itment. stati stical analys is , and the refi nement of the Affirmative Action Pl an and procedures. PSU 3