PSU Magazine Winter 1987

Register now for new PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSES f or PSUAlumni Register now for one - or more - of the new, stimulating professional development seminars offered thi s winter to Portland State alumni by the University's Professional Development Center. Under the auspices of the School of Business Administration, the Center offers 150 professional courses, seminars, and programs every yea r to the business community and Portland State alumni. T\:\ PREP\R \TIO\: \\'( JIH.:SI IOP Instructor: Deborah Thomas, J. D. Yo u can do your own taxes in spite of the new tax laws! Bring vour ca lcul ato r, W-2 forms, and tax forms. Lea rn what you can dedu ct and how to do it. Tuesday. February 16 and 2J 6:JO- 8:JO p.m. $45 fee Deborah Thomas. J. D. A certified financial planner and attorney licensed in Oregon and Californ ia. She provides consulting advice on a va riety of financial concerns, including tax reduction , retirement planning, and investments. Alberto Cereghino. Ph.D. Director and fo under of Executive Theatre. He has been a business commun icator since 1971. He conducts seminars and workshops throughout the United States and Canada and is an experienced performer in radio, television, and theater. I ll'\IOR I\: Tl IE \\'OR"PL \CE Instructor: Alberto Ce reghino , Ph . D. At work, on the speaker's pl atform , at social ga therings , or at play - the person who uses humo r effectively is usually the one who knows how to persuade others. The ability to employ humo r is a valuable human resource. It can be developed . You ' ll learn how in thi s seminar. Thursday. February 25 8:JO a.m. - 4:JO p.m. $95 fee includes materials l·: FFU :TI\ E PRI ·: SJ·: '\T\l"I< f\S Instructo r: Alberto.Ce reghino, Ph . 0. Learn the in-depth skills and techniques you need to give exciting presentations ...: on the podium or "off-the-cuff. " This seminar will help you under– stand stage fright , how to deal with audience threats, how to deve lop your self-esteem and confidence, how to use gestu res and voice control. Effective skills for mee tings, interviews, committees. Thursday, January 21 8:JO a.m. - 4:JO p.m. $95 fee includes materials SER\'IC:E IS E\ "ERYTI II\:( ; Instructor: Marian Woodall, M.A. Service is everything in cus– tomer relatio ns . This semin ar focuses on the one-to-one nature of successful rel ations. Includes the four keys to successful communication: non-verbal , listening, questions, and solving (or preventing) specific custome r problems. Specific tips for handling irate customers. Friday. February 5 8:JO a.m. - 4:JO p.m. $95 fee includes materials M:iri:in Wood:il/, M.A. Owner of Professional Business Communi– cations. She has 24 years' experience in teaching college-level cou rses - from technical report writing to English as a second language. She is a distinguished public speaker. 110\\ TO 11 .\\:DLE .\\:(IRY PEOPLE Instructor: Al Siebert, Ph. 0 . This unique workshop is for anyone who has to dea l with angry c ustomers, co-wo rkers, bosses, c itize ns, or clients. Learn the prac tica l ways to handl e angry people, includ– ing: how to stay in control when others lose their tem– pers; coping with person al attac ks and criticism; how to confront tactfully; how to a rgue an d win . Tuesday, Janua~· 19 8:JO a.m. - 4:JO p.m. $95 fee includes materials Al Siebert. Ph.D. A management psychologist with more than 20 years' teaching experience. He is nationally known fo r survivor personality research. His books include The Adult Student's Guide to Surress in College and I.earning Psyrhology. JlSHmni To register for a course in personal or professional development– or for further details, call PSU Alumni Affairs, (503) 464-4948.