PSU Magazine Summer 1990

MAGAZINE PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY ALUMNI BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chuck Clemans presidellt Jory Abrams John Becker Louise Cox Don Dickinson Gary Dominick Dan Ellis Ji m Gri ffi th Ed Grosswiler Peter Grundfossen John Hakanson Ada Laguardia Dolores Leon Pat Lockhart David Lomnicki Sandra Page Betty Roberts Stan Sanders George Scherzer Miriam Selby Larry Thompson Trish Trout Ed Washington Mary Lou Webb Dennis West Jim Westwood Dick Woolley Pat Squire Director, Alumni Affairs Cover: Judith A. Ramaley becomes PSU's sixth permanent president on August I. Photo by Jerome Hart. I CONTENTS I SUMMER 1990 FEATURES A New Future at Portland State Judith Ramaley discusses her new presidency and her ex– pectations for PSU. PAGES 1-3 Bail Out or Butt Out? Banking experts question the government's role in the sav– ings and loan crisis. PAGES 7-9 Protein Discovery Packs Muscle New knowledge of muscle disease may come from a PSU professor's calcium research. PAGES 10-11 Environmental Evangelist Mike Houck (' 72 MS) is a zealot when it comes to protect– ing our city's natural areas. PAGES 19-21 DEPARTMENTS Around the Park Blocks Books Campus Notes Alum Notes Calendar 4-6 12 16-17 24-28 29 PSU Magazine is published quarterly for alumni and friends of Portland State University by the Office of Alumni Affa irs. Editor: Kathryn Kirkland; contributors: Clarence Hein ('65), Cliff Johnson, Teresa O' Heam and Pat Squire; Calendar Editor: Pat Scott. Letters to the editor, news items and inquiries about advertising should be directed to the Editor, PSU Magazine, Portland State University, P.O. Box 751 , Portland , Oregon 97207; (503) 725-37 11. Please send address changes to the Office of Alumni Affairs, Portland State University, P. O. Box 751 , Portland , Oregon 97207. PSU supports equal educational opportun– ity without regard to sex, race, handicap , age, national origin , marital status or religion.