PSU Magazine Summer 1988

Performing Arts Musical 8 pm Thurs-Sat., 3 pm Sunday, Lin– coln Hall Aud. $12.50 gen'!; $5 sr. adults, students. Aug. 18- "Simply Heavenly" by Sept. 4 poet & playwright Langston Hughes Dance 8 pm, Lincoln Hall Aud. $7/$5/Free to Summer PSU students. July 15,16 CIA (Company of In– dividual Artists) in a multi-media dance performance. Lectures Tour the World Noon , 338 Smith Center, Free July 13 " Revolt of the Ladies: Feminism in Greece,'' Eleni Varikas, Greece July 20 "The Greatest Brazilian Art: Literature & Music,'' Rosa Neves da Silva, Brazil July 27 " Berlin: The Divided Ci– ty,'' Elke Stenzel, West Germany Aug. 3 "Voices of Protest in South Africa,'' John Burns, USA Aug. 10 "The Steel Drum as a Cultural Tool ,'' Ellie Man– nette, Trinidad (lec– ture/demo in Smith Center Ballroom) International Studies Noon, 53 Cramer Hall, Free. Series continues on Wednesdays, call 464-3455. Sept. 21 US ./Canada Trade Agreement Portland Profile Noon , 338 Smith Center, Free Aug. 1 " From the River's Edge to the Suburbs: Influences I CALENDAR I v .J ~ 1,~\11 ;{ , I " ,;/f, .• ,-11~ · 1~!//!lt,;,"' ./~· ._/ ' J, ~ · ~ ... , . ''!•.-;> ' ,,~· ~ .~\)ft,~ l'I., ' . 'I il ;1(\\'\ ~1\1t)\.., ,. ~ ··~t i ! •. ii~ A Portland architectural feature il– lustrated by architect Gerald Brock. He will be leading a tour of downtown Portland Aug. 6. Aug. 2 Aug. 4 Aug. 5 on Portland's Urban Landscape,'' Carl Abbott, PSU "Fareless Square Seen from All Sides,' ' Pete Grundfossen, Tri-Met " Portland by the Numbers," Robert Lieb– man, PSU " Portland Potpourri: The City's Ethnic Neighbor– hoods,'' Terence O'Don– nell, Oregon Historical Society Families and Aging Noon, Standard Insurance Center Aud. (Concourse Level), 900 SW 5th July 12 "Services for Seniors: What They Are & H ow to Find Them" July 21 "A Change in Residence: When H ome is No Longer the Best Place to Be" July 26 "When Medicare Doesn't Pay the Bill: Supplemen– tal & Long Term Care Insurance'' m 29 Special Events 10 am-Noon , west side Lincoln H all (SW M arket & Park) under the clock, Free. Aug. 6 Downtown Portland Walk– ing Tour led by architect Gerald Brock & professor of history Charles White Visual Arts Littman Gallery 12-4 pm, Mon-Thurs. , 250 Smith Center, Free. Preview reception June 24, 5-7 pm. Thru "Survival," art of the Aug. 11 Caribbean White Gallery 8 am-8 pm weekdays, 2nd floor Smith Center south. Preview reception June 24, 5-7 pm. Thru Photos by Charl es Howell Aug. 11 of Trinidad, Tobago & Antigua Caribbean-Theme Films 7:30 pm, July 13 July 20 July 27 Aug. 3 Aug. 10 7 5 Lincoln Hall, Free. "Rockers" " Up to a Certain Point" " Quilombo" "Dona Flor & H er 2 Husbands" "Bye Bye Brazil" Campus Notes Aug. 1 Fall quarter advance registration begins. Sept. 2 Fall advance registration ends. Sept. 5 Labor Day. University closed. Sept. 20 General registrat ion, fall term. Sept. 21 Day & even ing classes begin. Sr. adult registra– tion thru Sr. Adult Learn– ing Center, 113A Urban & Public Affairs bldg.; call 464-4739.