PSU Magazine Summer 1988
MAGAZINE Cover: This 11th century, octagonal church was photographed from El Alcazar in Segovia, Spain, by Ken Wallace as he participated in the 1968 Hispanic Studies program. See story on pages 14-16. The magazine's new cover design was done by Robert Reynolds Design. FEATURES DEPARTMENTS I CONTENTS SUMMER 1988 The Predicament of Crime Making improvements in our justice system is more than an academic exercise for PSU:S- Administration of Justice. Pages 4-7 Physical Fitness for Those at Risk Using a new fitness test, PSU researchers are fin– ding safer ways for the elderly to exercise. Pages 10-1 2 History in the Making History Professor Gordon Dodds is writing a book on the first 50 years at Port/,a,nd St.ate and asks for alumni help. Page 13 Spain: Always aDelight For 20 years Professor David Romey has introduced students to the adventures of Spain. Pages 14-16 Around the Park Blocks Books 2-3 17 18-19 22-27 28 29 Campus Notes Alum Notes Sports Calendar PSU Magazine is published quan erly for alumni and friends of Portland State University by the PSU Office of Public Affairs. Editor: Kathryn Kirkland; Contributors: Clarence Hein ('65), Cliff J ohnson; Calendar Editor: Pat Scott. Letters to the editor, news items and inquiries about advenising should be directed to the Edimr, PSU Magazine, Portland State University, PO. Box 751, Portland, Oregon 97207; (503) 464-3711. Please send address changes to the Office of Development, Portland State University, PO. Box 751, Portland, Oregon 97207. PSU suppons equal educational opponunity without regard to sex, race, handicap, age, national origin, marital status or religion. m 1
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