PSU Magazine Summer 1988

Alumni involvement growing Chapters met T he Portland area and Hawaii alumni chapters held their first "get acquainted meetings" this spring. Alumnus Timme Helzer chaired Multnomah County's Chapter Meeting on April 19, and the follow– ing evening David Lomnicki hosted a similar affair for the Washington County alumni. President Sicuro at– tended both events and a video presentation about PSU was shown. "I think everyone enjoyed renew– ing old friendships and making new ones," said Alumni Affairs Director Mary Lou Webb, who was also pre– sent at the hors d'oeuvres and refreshment catered events. As a result of suggestions from alumni at these meetings, Multno– mah, Washington and Clackamas County will combine into one Portland Metropolitan Chapter. Helzer and Lomnicki will be co– chairmen and are forming a steering committee for the new chapter. This committee will review the surveys that over 500 Portland Metro area alumni recently completed. Future events will be planned as a result of the survey findings and the commit– tee's ideas. On May 14, Michael Kliks hosted 15 PSU alumni at the first Hawaii Chapter meeting in his home in Honolulu. "The group spent an evening getting to know one another and talking about our common in– terest, Portland State University,'' said Kliks. This chapter hopes to ex– pand membership to include those PSU alumni on neighboring islands. New alumni chapters are still forming. If you are interested in becoming involved, please call the Chapter Representative in your area. If your area is not represented, call Mary Lou Webb, Director of Alum– ni Affairs, at (503) 464-4948. New grads welcomed into alumni fold A new tradition has started. The class of 1988 was welcomed into the ranks of Portland State University Alumni during a reception immediatel y following the spring Commencement Ceremonies. Over 1,300 alumni were treated to punch and cookies as they returned their graduation gowns in a crowded but happy jumble of families , gradu– ates, and Alumni Board members. With alumni benefit cards in hand , Alumni Affairs Director Mary Lou Webb led a dozen board mem– bers in greeting the new graduates. The task was almost impossible because of the mad rush to return gowns and find family and friends . "We had a good time anyway," says Webb, "and the reception will get better each year. We now know what to expect." Alu~ Chapter Representatives Portland San Francisco Chicago Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area Steft~'72 Paul D. Soderholm '68 'Irey Taylor '69 (formerly Multnomah and (415) 8tl·l030 (312) 477-2477 (202) 624-2449 Washington Counties and to In· Owner, Office Pavillion (ofrtee Owner of a seat on the Chicago Director of Advertising Services, elude Clackamas) fumhure) Board of Options Exchange American Council of Life Insurance David Lomnicki '81 SouthernCalifornia Texas Gulf Coast Tampa (503) 243-7793 Diane GNftr '83 Bob Handy '71 Senior Loan Analyst, Standard (213) 216-9379 (713) 225-0967 Geoffrey S. Sutton '76 Insurance Co. Law S"*'1t, La)lola Law Director, Houston World 'Ilade (813) 877-7511 Timme Helar '66 Sehool AllOciation and World 1lade Operations Manager, Tropical (503) 281-2118 Denver Institute Garment Manufacturing Management Consultant Atlanta Company ........10 Hawaii (SO!) 893-1862 Michael Vidan '68 Vice Praident, Colorado Na· (404) 521·4000 Michael Klilu '65 tional Bank of Denver Vice President, Building Pro· (808) 988-5161 ducts, Transportation Division, President, Confidential Testing Georgia Pacific Corporation Services Inc. m 20