PSU Magazine Summer 1988

Benefits to last a lifetime With the ABC card you can take advantage of the year-round benefits due you as an alum of Portland State University. • Monthly calendar of University events • 20% discount on PSU Dance, Theater and Music presentations • One time 10% discount on PSU bookstore merchandise • Club-sports program • PSU typing room • Recreational equipment rental • Insurance benefits With additional user's fees, ABC cardholders are entitled to: • University parking • Campus recreation facilities • Library privileges • PSU cooperative bookstore membership • Career counseling in Placement Center And, because 'The City is Our Campus;~ membership privileges extend into the surrounding community. You'll receive: • 25% discount off the roomrate at over 40 Nendels locations • 10% discount (groups of 20 or more) and priority seating at Portland Opera performances And the benefits of membership continue to grow! All ABC cardholders will receive updates on alumni continuing education programs, alumni trip and travel opportunities, and more! Call today and order your PSU Alumni Benefit Card. Alumni Affairs, 464-4948 . ABC cards, offered only to PSU alumni. P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207