PSU Magazine Summer 1988
Herbert Retzlaff H erbert Retzlaff, retired treasurer of Fred Meyer, Inc., was presented the first Portland State University President's Medal during the Spring Commence– ment ceremony. The award was made in recognition of his generous endow– ment to the University, the Herbert Retzlaff Chair of Cost Management created last year in the School of Business Administration (see story page 19). T he University recognized another landmark achieve– ment during this spring's commencement exercises. Robert S. Jaffe, 48, of Portland received the first Ph.D. degree awarded by Portland State University in Elec– trical and Computer Engineering. Retzlaff presented PSU with its first endowed professorship to foster the concept of accounting as a valuable management tool. Originally an emigrant from Germany but now a long time resident of Portland, Retzlaff believes PSU's School of Business Administration is best suited to foster his ideals. The new President's Medal, de– signed by PSU Professor of Art James Hansen, is the highest award for distinguished service to the University. Cast in silicon bronze us- Portland State University President 's Medal "He's been brilliant as a student and is very highly qualified as a teacher," said Dr. Lee Casperson, acting chair of PSU's Department of Electrical Engineering. This new doctoral degree program was first approved in 1985. Jaffe also holds the master of science degree in electrical and com– puter engineering awarded by Portland State in 1985, as well as the master of science degree in mathematics granted by PSU in the same year. He has been offered a teaching position as assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Com– puter Engineering at San Diego State University. ing the lost wax casting process, the medal sits in a solid walnut case. Ac– cording to the artist the design is "allegorical depicting the theme of protection and nurturing." A Phoenix and orphic egg imagery have been cast into the medal to represent both potential and con– tinual regeneration. Recognizing extraordinary service to Portland State as well as qualities of humanity, scholarship, and distinc– tive achievement, the medal was also awarded to past recipients of the University's Distinguished Service Award on June 11. The following in– dividuals are now members of the President's Medal Society: Pauline Anderson and Lloyd Anderson, 1986; Betty Roberts and Tom Vaughn, 1985; Louise Scott and Leland Johnson, 1984; Victor Atiyeh, Betty Feves, and Robert Cameron, 1983; Earl Wantland, Herbert M. Schwab, and Vernon Chatman, 1982; Claire Rives and Carl Halvorson, 1981; Dr. Albert Starr, Gus Solomon, and Louis Bunce, 1980; Phil Bogue and Frederic F. Littman, 1979; R achel Griffin and Al C. Giusti, 1978; Rudie Wilhelm, Jr., and Loren McKinley, 1977; Mrs. Henry L. Cor– bett, Sr., and Earle A. Chiles, 1976.
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