PSU Magazine Spring 2006

r ., Judy Clark '93 "I believe that women returning to college deserve a helping hand." Judy Clark enrolled al Ponland Stale as an adult sLUdenL, com– pleting her bachelors degree in sociology and anthropology in 1993. In order to help future reLuming studems, Judy created an esLaLe plan that will esLablish LheJudy Rae Clark Scholarship for women students over Lhe age of 50. Judy is using her home Lo create a "retained life esLaLe" in which ownership of her condo will transfer Lo the PSU Foun– daLion, but not until bOLh Judy and her partner are deceased. This allows Judy to enjoy an immediaLe chariLable income tax cleducLion while knowing LhaL someday her home will fund the Judy Rae Clark Scholarship. Making it easier for women sLudems like herself, is why Judy made a significam gifL Lo Ponland SLaLe and the Building Our Future campaign. To learn more abouL giving Lo PSU today or Lhrough your esLate, call Mary Anne Rees al 503-725-5086 or email her al . Build ingOu rFuture The Campaign for Portland State University PORTIAND STATE lJN]VERSITY