PSU Magazine Spring 2006
Making it in New York City I T'S NOT UNUSUAL FOR DEIRDRE LORENZ '95 Lo the encl of the day, she befriended the Greek family who crisscross Manhattan as she auditions for a commercial, nm the market. IL turned out that one of the owner's poses for a designer catalog, and attends a premiere gala- friends is Linda Ellerbee, the famous journalist, television all in 24 hours. Maintaining careers as an actress, model, personality, and w1iter. The owner introduced the two and film producer makes for a high-velocity lifestyle, but women , and Ellerbee quickly referred Lorenz Lo another Lorenz is up LO the challenge. friend , Ann Thomopoulos, executive producer of the HBO "The pace can be daunting, but it's also truly exciting. I drama series Rome. get LO meet many interesting, talented and very artistic B people ," she says. ack in New York, Lorenz's routine once again kicks Her latest acting roles in two upcoming films placed into high gear. She starts her mornings with a workout at a Lorenz in El Cantante, a film staringjennifer Lopez and club, several fillings for modeling jobs, and a trip Lo her Marc Anthony, and in Pe1jccl Strange,; where she plays the agency. She'll speed walk Lo an afternoon audition before ex-girlfriend of Bruce _.......,,,-- "'.'Jl'!=:~L;:;,.:. •. ,,....,......,,.,..-_ she tackles contracts for Willis' character. Lorenz :o'•-"""""allllilil the crew members of also appeared in Two _,,_... ,.,....,.,_ Thira, makes calls to Weehs Notice and The potential investors, or Emperor's Club. She's attends the film's editing landed television spots on sessions. Lorenz is also Sex and the City, Law and pitching a television series Orde1; and The Sopranos. called Copy That, a darkly As a model, Lorenz's ......,...._._._r ironic comedy about a portfolio includes print low-level production assis- and runway work for Lant. Calvin Klein, Ralph Lau- Her evenings leave little ren , Ann Taylor, Victoria's room for clown time , as Secret, Abercrombie & her friend Richard Belzer, Fitch, and other designers. who also has a part in IL was modeling that origi- Thira, commonly invites nally brought her Lo New Deirdre Lorenz '95 (left) is producing and starring in a her Lo celebrity events. York. movie that was s hot in Greece and will soon start filming After watching Belzer walk A in New York. (Photo by Petros Kalfas ) the red carpel, Lorenz and fter graduating from her elate cruise in behind PSU v.rith a business administration degree, Lorenz worked him to enjoy the premieres of productions such as The in high-Lech corporate sales. She found herself longing for Sopranos or the film V for Vendetta. Then, it's off Lo sip more creativity, so she took an acting class and began work- cocktails at the after party and rehash the story line. ing with an agent. Commercial work and modeling jobs L immediately followed, and Lorenz's life Look a new direction. orenz says New York life isn't for the faint of heart. To In addition to her success in front of the camera, Lorenz keep herself grounded, she spends time v.riLh friends, stays is active behind the scenes as well. She collaborated with a in Louch vvith her family, rents foreign movies, and volun- clirector Lo produce three short films in New York, and Leers for various organizations. She's working to increase they are now working on their first feature film together. literacy by reading to children at public grade schools and Lorenz became captivated by the beauty of Santorini, hospitals through the Screen Actors Guild BookPALS (Per- Greece, after auending a wedding there, so they decided to forming Artists for Literacy in Schools) program. set part of the film on the island. Last year, Lorenz Although she misses Oregon, Lorenz says New York is a launched her production company, Thira Films, Lo pro- tough city vvith a soft heart. duce the feature, titled Thira, which was the island's origi- "I love how energetic and resilient it is. I like being able nal name. They shot the first half of the film in Santorini Lo run out my door and find stores open within a block at and now are finishing the project in New York. any hour, and I enjoy the immense history and culture, While in production on the island , Lorenz found that and the very international flavor of the city. l never professional connections could surface in the most unlikely doubted that l am where l should be-at least for this Lime places. Hanging out al the island's Oia Market Lo relax at in my life." -KJ Fields SPRING 2006 PSU MAGAZINE 33
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