PSU Magazine Spring 2006

Lawrence Conrad MUP is a senior transportation planner wiLh Clackamas County Depart– ment of Transportalion and Development. Mark Peterson MA represented PSU President Dan Bernstine at the inauguraLion of JudiLh Ramaley as president of Winona State UniversiLy on April 7. PeLerson is execuLive director of the Winona County Historical SocieLy in Winona, Minnesota. Ramaley served as PSU presi– dent from 1990 Lo 1997. 4 Dave Black is general manager al WSUM Radio al the Univer– sity of Wisconsin-Madison. Black writes, "I am one of the founders of the station, which is now one of the mosL successful student radio stalions in the country." Shirley Dahlsten won Best of Show and $10,000 for her oil painting, "The Dream," at Lhe Journey's End National Art Exhibit on display in November in Astoria. Dahlsten earned the top prize from among 200 national artists. She owns a stu– dio/gallery in Astoria. Dennis Roginski is vi.Ce presi– dent of business development at Vorpahl Wing Securities, Inc. , in Spokane, Washington. 85 Steve Nelson is the Albany dis– tricL manager for NW Natural. Nelson has worked for the com– pany for 25 years. James "JD." Perkin is an anisL who creates life-size figurative ceramic sculpture. His work has been fearnred aL Lhe Portland 1 nternational Airport, the Bush Barn in Salem, and at Portland's Laura Russo Gallery in February. Michael Sorum is the chief aca– demic officer for the Fon Worth Independent School District in Texas. ' 7 Maryann Beebe is director of markeLing Lraining in Lhe U.S. for Merck & Co. in Pennsylva– nia. She recently completed her final oral exam for an EdD degree aL George Washington UniversiLy, WashingLon, D.C. Bethany Dalton-Kash is a song– wriLer and works al Carrol LighL Producers. Her songs can be heard al . She lives in South Florida. Jennifer Meisner is execuLive director of Lhe Washington TrusL for Historic Preservation, a non– profit LhaL promotes preserva– tion in Washington sLaLe. She lives in Seaule. Colin Elligsen earned an MBA al Northwest Christian College in Eugene and is teaching com– puter science and management of information science classes there as a full-Lime professor. Joan Plank has been named chief of staff of the Oregon Department of Transportation. Plank has been with the agency 30 years. Supin Sangcharoenvanakul is finance manager at Saha Charoen Metal Plastics Product Company in Bang Plee, Thailand. Craig Gilbert MS '02 is an associate faculty member at Uni– versity of Phoenix and teaches communications, business application writing, business lit– erature, and film sLudies. Gilbert also represents a company that provides online employee and student tip lines for businesses and schools. Gilbert lives in a 60-year-old log cabin in Bright– wood. 90 Eric Irelan is a transponaLion planner aL Perteet, Inc., in Evereu, Washington. Irelan is modeling future LransponaLion demands for State Route 167 in south King County. WEST COAST BANK THE BEST BANKING PARTNER Provides Expertise as well as Funding West Coast Bank has seasoned bankers co meet your needs. Available to Help Your Business Grow West Coast Bank has local knowledgeable bankers available when you need them. They work closely with you to understand your needs and provide innovative and effective solutions. Bank with the #1 Community Bank The Portland Business journal and the FDIC listed West Coast Bank the # 1 community bank in Portland and Vancouver. Bank with us and experience the level of service that earned West Coast Bank this distinction. Committed to the Community and Portland State University West Coast Bank supports numerous communiry activities, groups, and organizations to help fuel economic growth and communiry vitality. West Coast Bank is proud to be the Official Bank ponsor of Portland State Athletics. Call or visit your local branch today! 54 Branches in Oregon and Washington to serve you, including: Portland Downtown 503-224-4245 Pearl District 503-274-0655 Vancouver Main 360-695-3439 Beaverton 503-643-7643 Hillsboro 503-693-6792 Salmon Creek 360-571-7104 Lake Oswego 503-624-5864 Gresham 503-618-0939 Clackamas 503-387-4040 Wilsonville 503-682-9818 Raleigh Hills 503-292-6319 Tualatin-Sherwood 503-691-9929 East Vancouver 360-260-0823 Member FDIC SPRING 2006 PSU MAGAZINE 31