PSU Magazine Spring 2003
Jon Ruth MBA, a former indus– Lrial hygienist with Wausau Insurance companies, is retired in Davis, Cali fornia. She writes, "I now volumeer with the local police department and serve on the board of directors of Lhe Davis Art Cerner. I live in the same town with all four grand– children, so am also a babysitter and adventure leader for preschoolers." '77 Yvonne Tweat is a teacher at Kennedy Middle School in Eugene. '78 Dixie Lee Brewer is an educa– tion consultant McGraw Hill as well as a disnibuLion clerk and tax agent who sub– contracts with the IRS Depart– ment of Treasury. Brewer lives in Citrus Heights, California. Richard Stiehl PhD is a self– employed wildlife consultant at Habitats and Wildlife in Belling– ham, Washington. Mark Verheiden is supervising producer of Smallville, a weekly drama airing on the Warner Brothers television network. Verheiden is a writer and pro– ducer at Warner Brothers, and lives in Pacific Palisades, California. Diane Smith Whalen MSW earned a doctor of ministry degree in spiritual direction from the Graduate Theological Foundation in May 2001. Whalen lives in Olympia, Washington. '79 Gerald Brock MURP, PhD '91 is a self-employed architect in San Diego. Randy Nordlof is vice presi– dent of Key Manufacturing and Rentals, and Key Event Services, a firm specializing in the manu– facture of tents of all sizes for sale or rent primarily to the event industry. Nordlof is a former PSU athletic director and coach. Margaret Shirley MFA exhib– ited her paintings at The Laura Russo Gallery in Portland dur– ing April. Her constructed paintings use graphite, oils, and found natural materials. Shirley has taught at PSU, ML Hood community College, Reed Col– lege, and Marylhurst University. '81 Carol DeSau is assistant man– ager at the Clackamas Commu– nity College Bookstore in Oregon City. Paul Forrest is owner and designer of the Aalto Lounge in southeast Portland. The lounge is named after the famous Finnish architect, Alvar Aalto. Raeone Gilison, who went on LO earn master's degrees from New Mexico State and Arizona universities, now lives in Payson, Arizona. She writes, "My last career was as a refer– ence librarian at the Arizona State Library in Phoenix from 1996 to 2000. Portland State gave me an excellent start." Don Grimberg is president of N.W Enteral Supply, a home health care agency in Kent, Washington. Kenneth Kruger MBA '92 is cost accounting manager for Advanced Power Technology's wafer manufacturing plant in Bend. He and his wife, Lynn, have a daughter, Lauren, 10, and a son, Cameron, five. '82 Candace Clarke is ch ief finan– cial officer al Columbia Com– munity Memal Health in St. Helens. Clarke was selected as a presenter for a Greater Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc., confer– ence and spoke on the topic of "Managing Diversified Revenue Streams." Donald Edmunds is corporate credi t manager for Blount, Inc. , Oregon Cutting Systems Divi– sion (formerly OMARK Indus– tries) in Portland. James Grace is a lieutenant colonel in the United States Marine Corps. A 20-year vet– eran, Grace is in command of the Marine Light Attach Heli– copter Squadron 167 localed in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Portions of his squadron are being deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Kathrin Taylor Haugen works in customer relations at Port– land General ElecLric, where she has worked for 13 years. She is acLive in the company's diversiLy and mentorships programs. Haugen lives in West Linn with her husband, son, 86-year-old mOLher, and two cats. Roger Wirth was promoLed in 2002 Lo the position of special agent in charge al Lhe Indi– anapolis field office of the IRS Criminal lnvestigation Division. He formerly served as assisLant special agent in charge in the Ch icago field office. He has worked for the IRS for 27 years. '83 Scott Bieber MPA '96 has been promoted LO commander in the Vancouver, Washington, Police Department, where he has worked since 1985. John Groth is council president of the ciLy of Cornelius. He writes, "l am showing my Viking pride as often as I can. l am the only PSU alumnus serving the city of Cornelius." Michael Jordan has been named chief operating officer for Metro, Oregons regional government that serves Clackamas, Mult– nomah, and Washington coun– ties. He was selected after a national search and started in April. He has been a Clackamas County commissioner since 1999. He lives in Canby. '84 Kori Allen has joined Cold– stream Capital ManagemenL, Inc., as principal and portfolio manager in their new Portland office. The wealth management service is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington. Allen also serves on the PSU Alumni Asso– ciation's Investment Committee. William "Bo" Bozarth is man– ager at Delta Industries North in Kelso , Washington. The busi– ness specializes in repairs of heavy machinery for the pulp, paper, timber, and maritime industries. Bozarth has worked in general and production machining for 18 years. Thomas Del lotto has been in private practice at Associates Foot and Ankle Care in Folsom, California, for 12 years. He is an American College Foot/Ankle and Orthopedic Medicine Fellow. Catherine (Emmerson) Clark expects to open her own gallery in Clark Fork, Idaho, this spring. She will be showing her original pastel and oil paintings, as well as furniture and pottery. "Come take a walk on the wild side, literally. I can steer you to travel information at clarhscre– ." Lisa Parsons , whose artwork is represerned by Riversea Gallery in Astoria, showed her work at another location in February. Her poems appeared in Into the Teeth of the Wind published by the University of California al Santa Barbara. She was included in Who's Who in Ame,ica 2003 and will be included in the 2004 volume. She lives in Portland. '85 Molly Atkins is a compliance engineer at El Paso Energy, an energy and gas pipeline agency in Houston. Anne Driscoll is a reference librarian aL the University of Maryland Eastern Shore after earning master's degrees at University of Tennessee at Knoxville. She lives in Fruitland, Maryland. Renee Fellman MBA is founder and owner of Interim Manage– ment, a company specializing in business turnaround. Fellman has worked with 24 companies and returned 17 LO profitability. She previously served on the Beaverton City Council for three· years , which she believes helped shape her work in the business world. SPRING 2003 PSU MAGAZINE 23
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