PSU Magazine Spring 1998

- I-fow far is it from glamorous I940S Hollywood to setting up a charitable remainder unitrust today at the P U Foundation? For Ed and Maxine Kristovich, it's over 50 years of love and marriage begun on a blind date in 1943. Maxine was a dancer at Earl Caroll's Vanities, a premier super club at Sunset and Vine that featured "the 60 most beautiful girls in the world ." Ed was in Army Air Force flight school. Soon after that date, Maxine was invited to entertain the troops overseas. Fearing he would not get out of school in time to follow her, Ed immedi– ately proposed marriage. On the next day, Ed and Maxine learned that her father never intended to permit her to travel. So while joking about b ing "tricked" into marriage, Ed is proud to be "an old rock hound" living "with the best find of his life." After the war, Maxine, who e career included dancing in the movies, gradua lly turn d her attention to raising their son Jeffrey. Meanwhile, Ed began a long career with a Southern California telephone company, first as an installer then a manager. It was while they were visiting Oregon's Agate Beach in 1954 (Maxine is a native of A toria), that Ed first caught the rock hound "bug." After ma tering lapidary, Ed began faceting stones, and with Maxine's encouragement, he made them into jewelry. In 1971 Ed bought a outhem California lapidary store to help support retirement. But he found him elf doing two full-time jobs and in 1974 left the phone company for the tore. Meanwhile, Ed helped start a Cal State-Northridge geology scholarship, making the school a partner in proceeds from the San Fernando Valley Gem Show. Ed is now truly retired and living in Oregon where he and Maxine are closer to grandchildren. He teaches jewelry one day a week to Tualatin Valley Gem C lub member and is active in the Portland Regional Gem and Mineral how. Thinking what they might do for students in Oregon, Ed and Max ine set up a substantial charitable remainder unitrust to fund an endowed geology scholarship at P U. To Maxine, making a gift of highly appreciated tock for the ecurity of income for life at a rate higher than available here's to future geology students at Portland State University. Lights, camera, study! from a bank was common sense. Ed liked funding the trust with appreciated assets because it trans– formed their capital gains tax liability into a charita– ble investment in higher