PSU Magazine Spring 1997
F F T H E The Renaissance of American Steel: Lessons for Managers in Competitive Industries by Roger S. Ahlbrandt (business dean) , Richard]. Fruehan , and Frank Giarratani. Oxford University Press, 1996 In the 1980s the U.S. steel industry was used as a prime example of fa ilure in the face of international competition. Today that industry has returned to its former tanding a a world-class competitor. This book explains how companie can prosper by taking advantage of key strategies for investing successfully in technology, in people, and in the way work is organized. Encyclopedia of American Political Reform by Richard A. Clucas (political science faculty). ABC-CLIO, 1996 This book provides imple explana– tions of modem efforts to reform the American political system since the mid-1960s. From Abscam and absen– tee voting to Workfare and zero-base budgeting, each entry include cross– references to related entries and other works. The Nazis' Literary Grandfather: Adolf Bartels and Cultural Ex tremism, 1871-1945 by Steven Nyole Fuller (language faculty). Studies in Modem German Literature, vol. 62. Peter Lang, 1996 Adolf Bartels was the most notorious anti-Semitic literary critic of the 20th century. Despite any persona l biases, Bartels wa a leading influential ultra– conservative literary force in Germany from 1900 to 1933. This biography i an examination of right-wing literary life in Wilhelminian society, the Weimar Repub lic, and the Third Reich. Reviews are written by Mary Ellen Kenreich, PSU Library faculty. These publications and recordings by PSU facuity and alumni are available through libraries, bookstores, and the Web at 6 PSU MAGAZINE PRING 1997 S H E L F Beyond Left and Right: Insurgency and the Establishment by David A. Horowitz (history faculty) . University of Illinois Press, 1997 Readily understandable to both the layperson and scho lar, this book is an overview of political insurgency in the U.S. from the 1880s to the present. Included are diverse individuals and groups that have attacked the estab– lished order, from the Populists of the 1890s to Ross Perot and the religious right of the 1990s. Folio, Music for Guitar Alone by Bryan Johanson '75 (music faculty). Gagliano Recordings, 1996 Order over the World Wide Web at gagliano.html The music on this compact di c was compo ed over a pan of 20 years. Presented in chronological order, the CD begin with Johanson's fir t composition for guitar and ends with a 1995 piece. An award-winning composer, Johanson has written for a variety of in trumenta l and vocal combinations, and is also a professional guitarist. Sacred Myths: Stories of World Religions retold by Marilyn McFarlane '74. Sibyl Publications, 1996 written for chi ldren ages 10 and up, this is a beautifully illustrated collec– tion of stories from the sacred mythology of Buddhism, Chri tianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism, plus Native American and acred Earth traditions. Included is a brief explana– tion of each religion, a glossary, pronunciation key, and suggestions for further reading. Mcfarlane give equal importance to each religion, convey– ing the message that each deserves re pect. Southern Slavery and the Law, 1619-1860 by Thomas D. Morris (history faculty). University of North Carolina Press, 1996 Following the period from colonial times to the Civil War, this book is a comprehensive history of the evolving relationship between American slavery and the law. There was no coherent body of law relating to slavery and any legal doctrine was subject to local interpretation and practice. Ground Rules: Baseball & Myth by Deeanne Westbrook (English faculty). University of Illinois Press, 1996 One might ask, "What do baseball and mythology have to do with each other?" Westbrook argues that as with ancient mytholo– gies, baseball attempt to make Pl \OTO BY SfEVE DIPAOLA sense of the world and to give expression to human concerns such as the meaning of space and time, the connections of father and son, the sacred and the uncanny, and the ancient recurring theme of the journey home. Inter-Play: an On-line Index to Plays in Collections, Anthologies and Periodicals by Robert Westover and Janet Wright (library facuity) . PO RTALS, 1996 Available over the World Wide Web at Inter-Play provides easy access to over 14,000 plays, many of which are not accessible through any printed index. The collections range from late 19th century through the present, with information being updated on an on– going basi . All the plays are in the PSU Library collection, but the online index include all libraries. Inter-Play is made available through PORTALS, the Portland Area Library System. D
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