PSU Magazine Spring 1997
EDITOR Karhryn Kirkland CONTR!BUT R Myrna Ouray, C larence Hein '65, Janis Nichols, Pat cotr, Pat quire MPA '95, Dougla wan on, Jean Tuomi, Martha Wagner, Jennifer Wheeler, Brian White DESIGN Terry Daline EDITORIAL OFFICE 325 Cramer Hall P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-075 1 (503) 725-4451, FAX: (503) 725-4465, E-MAIL: ADVERTISING ALES (503) 725-4451 ALUMNI RELATION OFF! E Pat Squire MPA '95, Director Jennifer Wheeler, Assi tant Director 239 Mill Street BuilJing P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-0751 (503) 725-4948, FAX: (503) 725-5876 E-MAIL: ALUMNI BOARD OF DIRECTORS Susan Purpura '77, President Jim Aalberg '72 Steve Amen '86 Glen Beckley '68 Vicki Chase '78 Dan Gemma '64 Michael Glanville '65 Joe Gonzales '9 1 Mary Mertens James '78 Joan Johnson '78 Bill Lemman, Vanport Leo Macleod '90 Linda Macpherson MPA '80 Pamela Gcsme Miller '84 tan Payne '73 Don Rickel '65 Bob chulz '80 Charles toudamire '72 Cameron Vaughan-Tyler '92 Bill Walker '73, MPA '80 Terry Walker '73, MBA '81 Ellen Wax ' 2, MURP '92 Dana Comella, student representative ALUMNI AMBA ADOR Jon Jalali '67, MBA '7 1, Medford Chuck Li ttlehales '65, Newp rt Dennis O lson '68, MS '80, Pendleton Cover: President Judith Ramaley has helped make P U responsive to the needs of the city and the entire state. (See story on page 7.) ONTENTS FEATURES Shared Invention President Judith Ramaley 's legacy for PSU is one of innovation through teamwork and a renewed sense of pride. The Digerati Four alums had what it take to start high-tech companies and become members of the digital elite. Polished Words Novelist Molly Gloss '66 has turned her richly crafted writing to the mysteries of utopia. Curtain Call Outstanding productions and virtuoso grads make the Opera Program a starred attraction. DEPARTMENTS Around the Park Blocks Letter From the President Off th Shelf Philanthropy in Action Alumni Association News Alum Notes Sports 7 10 14 16 2 3 5 6 19 20 22 29 PSU Magazine is published for alumni and friend of Portland State Univer ity. Contents may be reprinted only by permi sion of the editor. Please send address changes to the Office of Alumni Relations, Portland tate University, P.O. Box 751, Portland, OR 97207-0751. The magazine i printed on recycled paper. P U i an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution. SPRING 1997 PSU MAGAZINE 1
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