PSU Magazine Spring 1995

Faculty in the news Pah Chen, profes or of mechanical engineering, has been named a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for out tanding professional service and achievement as an educator and re earcher. Le than one percent of the society' 123,000 members are conferred the Fellow grade by the ir peers. Frederick Nunn, professor of history, rece ived the 1994 Thomas McGann Award fo r his book, The Time of the Generals: Latin American Professional Militarism in World Perspective. Rita Vistica, Foreign Languages and Literatures faculty, wa promo ted to the rank of "Offic ier" in the American Society of the French Academic Palms for outstanding contribution to the promotion of French language and culture in the United S tate . Playing leapfrog with your interest rate? ~ ow there ' s a smart alternative to jumping from teaser rate ~to teaser rate. It's called Private Reserve, and it's the on ly credit line endo rsed by the Portland State University Alumni Association. Why? First, Private Reserve features a low interest rate - only 6.4% above the bank prime rate* - all the time. No inflated rate for cash advances. No annual fees . No unpleasant surprises down the road. And you can access your account simply by writing a check. With line amounts available up to $35,000, that's a lot of financial freedom. Call (800) 274-6711 for an application . Because if you ' re looking for a low interest rate, now' s the time to hop to it. Security Pacific Executive/Professional Services, Inc. 14707 East 2nd Avenue • Suite 100 • Aurora, CO 80011 Ill A BankAmerica Company "The APR is based on the bank prime rate (Federal Reserve Statistical Release H. 15) plus 6.4%. As of March 1, 1995, the APR was 15.4%. This rate may vary. Call (800) 274- 6711 for complete details. All loans are subject to credit approval. 4 PSU M agaz ine For the community's good What if you threw a town meeting an<l nobody came? ivic an d community leaders are all too familiar with this apathetic sce nario. The i sue of community invo lve– ment, unity, and leadership are the subj ect of an all-day symposium, "Making Democracy Work: Leader hip, Community, and the Future," A pril 29, from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the O regon Convention enter Ballroom in northeast Portland. This Annual Leadership Sympo ium is sponsored by the Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies at Portland State. Through nationally known speakers, a panel discus ion, and group discus ions, ympo ium organizers hope to bring out new ideas regarding the link between community and leadership, and to reinvi– gorate and inspire elected an<l civic leaders. Keynote speake rs fo r the sympo ium are Robert Putnam, Frances Moore Lappe, and Paul DuBo is. Putnam, director of the Center fo r lnterrrntional Affa irs at Harvard University, is the author of Bowling Alone and Making Democracy Work. He is also an adviser to th e White House and is frequentl y quo ted in nat iona l publication . Lappe and DuBo is, a husband-and-wife team who di rect the Center fo r Li ving Democracy, recently published th e Quickening of America: RebuildingOur Nation, RemakingOur Lives. Cost of the sympos ium is $40 and preregistra tion is required by ca lling 725-5869 . PSU floats on Broadway The U niversity will be giving it rega rds to Broadway as students, fac ulty, and staff decorate thi year' ta rl ight Parade floa t. "P U on Broadway," the entry' theme, will honor Broadway produ ct ions that have been staged over the yea rs at Po rtl and State. A new additi on to this yea r's fl oat will be th e PSU ommunity Band under the director of music profes or William Tuttle. A lumni who \\'Ould like to get involved in th e construction of the float should con tact Janis N ichol·, d irector of P ~ U Puhl ic Re lat ions, at 725-4462. 0