PSU Magazine Spring 1995
Tickets for dance, theater, and music performance are avail– able at the PSU Ticket Office, SW Fifth and Mill , 725-3307 , or at the door. Performing Arts Theater Art 8 pm (2 pm, Sun .), 175 Lincoln Hall, $7/$6/$ 5/2 .50. Apr. 27-30, "The Real Inspector May 3-6 Hound & After Magritte" Concerts pm, 175 Lincoln Hall, 4/ 2 (ex– cept where noted ). Apr. 28 International An – them, Park Blocks, noon, free Apr. 29 O regon Day of Percus– sion , 75 Lincoln Hall , 9 am-6 pm, 5 May 7 Piano Recital erie , Leon Bates, 4 rm, $ 16/$ 14/$9 May 7 P U Chamber Winds, 75 Lincoln Hall May 30 P U )a:2 Lab Band & Combo , 7:30 rm May 3 1 June 2 June 3 June 4 July 14 A ug. 5 PSU University Choir, 75 Lincoln Hall , free PSU Wind Symphony & Chamber Winds P U Symphony O r– chestra P U Wind ymrhony and Campus Com– munity Choir El ummer Music Camp Concert, 7 pm, 75 Lincoln Hall , free A n Evening of Beauti– ful inging, 7:30 pm, $ 10 Spring Opera rm (3 pm, un .), 175 Lincoln Hall , 12/ I0/$8. May 19-2 1, "Dido and Aeneas," by 26-28 Henry Purcell Inte rnational Festiva l Performance ' chedulc, n1rious loca– t1om in P<lrtland, 72 5- 500 fo r in– format10n. June 2-1 0 Home Again , Min h Tran Jul y 22 July 28-30 Aug. 3-6 Rh·er Project, Krist i EdniunJ, A C n alngue of C iry Life, l"ey Ogara Song of S,mg,, Douhle Edge Theater Visual Arts Autzen Ga llery am-6 pm weekdays; 8 am-5 pm, Friday, 205 Neuberger Hall , free. Apr.17- Michael C reger,sculp- May 10 ture May 15- P U Annual Student June 2 Exhibition Gallery 299 am-6 rm, weekdays; 8 am-5 rm, Friday, 299 euberger Hall , free. Apr. 6-28 MFA : First Year tu– dent Exhi bition Littman Gallery Noon-4 pm, weekdays; noon-7 pm, Th urs., 250 mith Memorial en– ter, free. May 1-25 Nati ve American Artwork June 1-30 Three Generation of Mex ican Ma ter July 6-21 Brad Yazzolino, multi– media exhi bit Aug. 3-25 Surface Design Con– ference exhibit White Gallery 8 am-1 0 pm, Mon.-Sat.; 10 am- 5 rm, un .; 2nd floor Smith enter, free. May 1-25 Gary Tepfer, photograph~ June 1- Tim Shellans, July 2 1 photographs Aug. 3-25 urface Design Con- ference exhibit International Festiva l Film -.chedule, 5:30 pm, 5th Ave. inema, free. 725-5800 for in fonmiuon. July 17 July 24 July 3 1 "Rhapsody in August," Akira Kurosawa "A T ax ing Woman," Jum lcami "The Fami ly Game," Ynshimitsu Morita Lectures FrienJ of Engli h 7 r m, Campu\ Ministry, free. Apr. 26 "Baseball and Myths with Deeanne Wesrbrnok" PSU Speakers Board Noon, 355 Smith Center, free. May 3 "Make' Mc Wanr to Huller: A. tudy 111 Race and Tolerance" Urban Economics & Policy eminars 2 pm, I09 School of U rban and Public Affairs, free. Apr. 28 "Suburbanization and the Job -Housing Balance" May 5 "Links Between Con– ge tion and Air Poll u– tion Policies" May26 "Metropolitan Hous– ing Markers and State T ax Rates" Campus Ministry 3 pm, Campus Min istry Lounge, free. Apr. 28 May 5 "Prophets and Emperors: Human and Divine Authority from Augus– tine to l11eodo iu·" "Exile from Eden" T our the World oon, 338 mith Memorial Cen– ter, free, 725- 500 for information. Jun. 2 1 "Economic, ecurity, and Environmental Developments in the Southwe t Pacific," Rt. Hon. David Lange Jun. 28 Lecture title TBA, Dumisani Zondi July 5 Lecture Title TBA, Geoffrey Ashe July 12 "Maya Angelou and Carolina Maria de Jesus: Afro-American Voices in Brazil and Jul y 19 July 26 A ug. 2 the U.S.," Stela Arnold Lecture title TBA , Rene Agostin i "Stratford Upon Avon: The Shake~eare Industry," Chri McCullough "A Century of Violence: Lessons We Have ot Learned," Arun Ghandi Inte rnational Festi va l Lecture schedule, 5:30 rm, 126 mith enter, free. 725-5800 for in– fo rmation. Jul y 19 Jul y 26 Aug. 2 "Bridges Which Support Two Lanes: Japanese Perfom1ers in an East– West Traffic Jam" " on 1dering Contem– porary Issues in Produc– tion Shakespeare" "Rea l Life in the Republic of Dreams" Conferences Leadership Sympos ium 8 am-2 pm, O regon Convention Center, 40, 725-5 69 to register. Apr. 29 "Making Democracy Work: Leadersh ip, Community and C itizensh ip" Intemational Conference 9 am-5 pm, fir t day, l 75 Lincoln Hall; second day, 338 mith Memorial Center, $25/$40/free, 725-5859 to regi ter. May 4-5 "Korea and the Future ofNorthea t A ia: Conflict or Coopera– tion ?" Special Events May 1970 Retrospective "Student Protest of 1970: A Retrospective," free, 725-5675 for more information or to get in– volved. May 8- 13 Fi lms, ex hibit , and panel di cus·ions on the 1970 tudent prorest PSU Salutes 5:30-7:30 pm, Lincoln Hall foye r, $ I0, 725-4949 for reservations. May 11 Reception and awards for outstanding fri ends and alumni Nina Mae Kellogg Awards & Lecture 3 pm, 338 mi th Center, free. May 17 "The Narrative of Biography," noveli t hari Benstock Columbia Gorge T our Friend of the Library fundrai er. :30 am-9 pm, box lunch and sup– per at Hood River Hote l, $ I00, ca ll 72 5- 3994 for reservations. Jun e 22 Columbia River Gorge Tour with C harlie White Campus Notes May 29 June 10 July 4 Sept. 4 Memorial Day, University c losed pring ommence– ment, Memorial Coliseum 4th of July, Uni ver ity closed Labor Day, Un iversity clo·ed ' PRING 1995 29
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