PSU Magazine Spring 1995

EDITOR Kathryn Kirkland CONTRIBUTORS Myrna Ouray, Clarence H in '65, Janis ichols, Pat cott, Pat Squire, Douglas wanson, Brian White CALENDAR EDITOR Bertha Marte ll DESIGN Terry Daline EDITORIAL OFFICE 325 Cramer Hall P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-075 I (503) 725-445 I , FAX: (503) 725-4465, E-MAIL: PSUMAG@PDX.EDU ADVERTISING SALE (503) 725-4451 ALUMN I RELATIONS OFFICE Pat Squire, Director Scott Kaden, Assistant Director 239 Mill Street Building P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-075 I (503) 725-4948 ALUMNI BOARD OF DIRECTORS Wally Harding '59, President Jim Aalberg '72 Brian Black '69 Gary Dominick '73, MSW '77 Gail Dundas '87 John Eccles '69 Nancy Fargo '82 Michael Glanville '65 Joe Gonzales '9 1 Deanna Hotchkiss '88 Terry Hunt '65 Mary Mertens James '78 Lee Jenkins '79 Joan John on '78 Jan Kurt: '87 Bill Lemman, Vanport Leo Macleod '90 Linda Macpherson MPA '80 Linda Marshall '83 Stan Payne '73 Susan Purpura '77 Jo Ann Smith '90 Charle Stoudamire '72 Bill Walker '73, MPA '80 Merrie Ziady '80, M T '82 Cover: Recreational use of the Gorge has grown in the past l 00 years. See story on page 6. Beacon Rock boating scene, ca. 1900, Oregon Historical Society 4232 ; windsurfer by ]im Hughes, USDA Forest Service FEATURES Engineering Change Engineering education has changed and grown under the leadership of retiring dean Ch ik Erzurumlu. Where Worlds Collide A land of stunning contrasts and uses, the Columbia River Gorge is the home of a bold experiment in land-use planning. Wazzu West What does Washington State University's new 348-acre campu in Vancouver mean fo r PSU? Taking it to the Streets Kath leen Cornett '75 has made the needs of Oregonians her busine s. Eyes on the Water A group of citizen volunteers are serving as sentinels for Oregon's lakes. Back to the Barricades A week- long retr spective of the 1970 PSU student protest is planned this May. DEPARTMENTS Around the Park Blocks Philanth ropy In Action A lumni Assoc iation News A lum Notes Sports Scoreboard Calendar 5 6 10 13 16 21 2 18 20 22 28 29 PSU Maga;:ine is published for alumni and friend of Portland State University. Contents may be reprintecl only by permission of the editor. Please send address changes to the Office of Alumni Relation , Portland rate University, P.O. Box 751, Portland, OR 97207-075 l. The magazine is printed on recycled paper. PSU is an affirmative action/equa l opportunity institution. PR! G 1995 I