PSU Magazine Spring 1995

Cynthia Durham Kinney is a self-employed political consult– ant li ving in Hermosa Beach, Calif. Paula Nicholls MBA i a timber analyst at WTD lndustrie in Portland. N icholls ha two daughters. Mary Ann Hester Schell is a professor of theatre at De Anza College in Cupertino, Calif. Donald Trapp MS '92 is a parole and probation officer with Multnomah County Community Corrections. Trapp also served a term on the Washington County Corrections Advisory Board. Craig Watson is a practicing attorney, specializing in products liability litigation in Buffalo, N.Y. Roger Woodell is the category advisor at Fleming Foods, a grocery wholesaler in Portland . '85 "Kim" Kyung-Hwa Hah MURP '88 i a enior transporta– tion planner with Metro in Portland. James A. Henry M '87, who received hi PhD in medical psychology at O regon Hea lth Sciences Univer ity in Septem– ber, is working as a research audiologist at Portland Veterans Admini tration Hospital. Elizabeth Jean Roso is owner and designer of North Beach Marine Canvas in San Francis– co, a company spec ializing in yacht interior design and fabrica– tion. Mary Zinkin MUS, PhD '87 founded the Center for Conflict Studies in Portland, where she teaches and prov ides consulta– tion in mediation and conflict resolution. '86 Glen Clemans is a financial planner with Pearson Financial G roup in Tigard. C lemans also teaches classes in financial and retirement planning for Pacific 26 PSU Magazine Northwest colleges and employers and has been published in various financial magazines. Gay Higdon Fantz is a case worker for the Washington County Department of Aging Services in Tigard . Fantz writes that she and her husband are completing a six-year project-a "do- it-yourself" house at Ocean– side. Heidi Franklin MBA is the manager of loan administration with Norris Beggs and Simp on in Portland. Franklin previously was with NOVA Northwest. Mary Linda Hanson MS is the watershed coordinator with the Oregon Watershed Hea lth Program in LaGrande. Robert Jarrett is the accounting and information sy tems manager at Premier Edible O il , a vegetable oil refinery located in Wilsonville. Brent Lawrence is a metal sculptor and artist-in-residence at the Lawrence Gallery in Bel– levue. Lawrence has rece ived a commission to do l0 pieces for display at a gallery in Sedona, Ariz. Diane McKinnon MA is the English as a second language pro– gram manager at C latsop Com– munity College in Astoria. Cameron Parkes is president and owner of Affordable Terms Mortgage in Beaverton. Anne Raustein Snedecor is the senior technical customer ser– vice representative at Warn Industries in Milwaukie. Snedecor's husband, Donald '86, is editor and publisher of The MultnomahVillage Post, a month– ly community newspaper in outhwest Portland. '87 Diane M.W. Budden MS is owner and president of Northwest Reading C linic in Portl and . The facility is a diag– nostic and teaching center for reading, pelling, comprehen– sion, math , and study skills. Budden has bee n a guest lecturer at a variety of conferences, in– cluding the International Read- ing As ociation conference in Dublin, Ireland. Xavier Falconi is the transporta– tion engineering manager for Parametrix Inc., a consulting engineering firm with offices in Portland , Seattle, and Houston. Falconi resides in Portland . Angela Hampton is a vice presi– dent of the San Franci co office of Marsh and McLennan, an in– surance brokerage firm . Sandra Malloy BS '94 is a child support agent with the Support Enforcement Division of the Department of Justice in Portland. Malloy also is a volun– teer court appointed special advocate with the Multnomah County CASA program, and a volunteer Ombudsman with the Long Term Care Office in Salem. Mark Moreland has been trans– ferred to Nike's European head– quarters for an 18-month tour. Moreland will work as an audit manager prov iding management consulting and audit services to entities within the European region. Moreland and his wife, Amy, will live in Hilversum, The Netherlands. Lourdes Sather is president of lntercultural Business Liaison (ICBL) in Portland. lCBL provides expertise in cultural-cor– rectness for business negotiations in Latin America. Clay Trumbo is the corporate controller and trea urer fo r Grif– fith Rubber Mills in Portland . Diane Roenfeldt is an attorney working as a con ultant for other attorneys and bu inesses. Her current project i marketing an Occupational Safety and Health Administration compIiance software program for a busine s in Phoeni x which will be expanding nationally. She res ides in Scottsdale, Ariz. '88 Thomas Dye is the choral direc– tor at Rainier High School. Michelle Manicke MA earned her PhD from the University of Illinois in May 1994, and is now a student at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, Calif. She and her husband, Peter, and their two children are looking forward to returning to Portland th is year. Steven Miles, who has been working in the screen printing industry for eight years, has been promoted to creative director at Holoubek Inc., in Hartland , Wis. Holoubek is one of two ex– clu ive licensees for screen print– ing Harley Davidson apparel. William Ostroska is a sales rep– resentative with RenT rak Inc., an international video distri– butor in Portland . Connie Lee Philleo is a health inspector with the Town of Dennis on Cape Cod in Ma sachusetts. Paul Steger EdD is principal of Lent Elementary School in Portland. Trung Tran is the management information systems manager at Garlington Center, a com– munity mental health care facility in Portland. '89 Tim Corrigan is a sales repre– sentative fo r Jostens Printing and Publishing, a yearbook publishing company. Corrigan resides in Silverdale, Wash. Joanne Haynes is head librarian at St. Andrew's Priory School for Girls in Honolulu. She has a one-year-old son, Connor. Kevin Kuy! is a helicopter and airplane pilot with the U.S. Army at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Ga. Diane Malbin MSW is director of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Counse ling and Consultation in Portland. Gregory Parsons is a construc– tion inspector with CZE, Cross Continent Engineers in Portland. Peter Rosenblatt is crisis super– visor at Harry's Mother, an emer– gency shelter in Portland. The agency' goal i to reunite children with their families and "get them off the streets." Emer– gency shelter is ava ilable for children ages nine to 17 for up to two weeks.