PSU Magazine Spring 1990

I AROUND THE PARK BLOCKS Letters Interpreting the Koran This letter is in response to the "Expand– ing International Dimension" article published in the Winter 1989, PSU Magazine. A statement made by professor Walter Ellis regarding veiling, printed on page 7 - "although there's nothing in the Koran that mandates it" - is incorrect. In the Holy Koran , Chapter 24, Verse 3 1, translated by Mohammed Pickthall , All ah (God) says, "And tell the believi ng women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw the ir ve il s over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment save to their own husbands .... " Azam Syed Roswell , Georg ia Editor 's notes: According to PSU histol)' professor Jon Mandaville, the meaning of this passage has been a source of lasting debate. Veiling - covering one'sface - is not, in facr, specified in the Koran, though certainly modest dress is, says Mandaville. Typicail)\ urban Muslin women veil themselves and rural women do not, and both groups feel they are being modest. In praise of Dr. Hoffmann It was with great sadness the I read of the passing of Dr. Hoffmann. I was a member of the class of '48. My two years at Vanport college, the U-by-the– slew, were the best of my college years. Dr. Hoffmann was the main reason for this. This wiry litt le fe llow with the charming smile and great sP-nse of humor was the greatest teacher I ever took a class from, or met in later years. He made hi story come ali ve.... I can still see hi m paci ng back and forth as he lectured. His gestures and enthusiastic and ani mated deli very were spellbinding. By the second term, so many students wanted in his class they had to set a limit. He even managed to keep the "jocks" awake! We were all a part of the beginn ing of what is now a great Uni vers ity. What was true then is true now: the building and phys ical plant - be they great or terrible - make no difference as long as you are warm and dry. The teachers are the ones who prov ide the education. (You will note I used the term "teachers;" there are fa r too few of them left in colleges and uni versities today.) Dr. Hoffmann li ves on in the memories of his students as a great teacher and a terrific person. I hope there is a pl aque with his li keness on it in Old Main with the proper tribute set out. Jack L. Sollis (Vanport) Assistant Attorney General (retired) Salem, Oregon The man remembered Like many who knew him , I was profoundly saddened to learn of the death of a Portland State Uni versity institution, Dr. George C. Hoffmann . ...Dr. Hoffmann represented the best that PSU had to offer, and in many ways has earned the right to be dubbed , "Mr. Portland State." I first met Dr. Hoffmann in Fall 1970, when I was enrolled in the fi rst part of the U.S. hi story survey course. He was not what one would call a "fl ashy" instructor, but hi s enthusiasm for history, and his aura of humanity, left an indelible imprint on me .. .. After my grad uation from PSU in 1973 with a bacca laureate degree, I neyertheless continued to stop by PSU and drop in on Dr. Hoffmann , oftentimes unannounced . We discussed the early days of PSU, fami ly, hi story, politics, my future, among other things. When I returned to PSU in 1979 to pursue full -time graduate study in hi story, he grac iously conceded to serve as a member of my master's committee.... With the passing of George Hoffmann , Portl and State has lost one of its pillars, and I have lost a mentor and friend . He was simpl y one of the most decent human beings that I have been pri vileged to know. Thank you, George, fo r everything! Thom M. Armstrong, Ph .D. (' 73 BS , '8 1 MA) Professor, El Camino Co llege, Cali f. Editor's clarification In the Winter 1989 issue of PSU Magazine the article "Racism in Portland" listed Northwest white supremacist groups identified by Bill Wassmuth , executive director of Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment. "The Northwest, and particularly Oregon, is still home to groups such as Aryan Nation, National Socialist Vanguard , Christian Patriots, the Covenant Church, Church of the Creator, Racist Constitutionalists, and the Ku Klux Klan." Reference to the Covenant Church in thi s context was incomplete, and should have been the American Covenant Church of Medfo rd and the Lords Covenant Church of Phoeni x, not to be confused with the Evangelical Covenant Church. We at PSU Magazine apolog ize for any confusion thi s might have caused. Estonia to host choir The Portland State University Chamber Choir will embark on its fi rst international tour thi s June if funding can be raised . The choi r has been in vi ted to partic ipate in the world-famousTallin Chora l Festi val in the Soviet Balt ic Republic of Estoni a. The PSU Choir is the only American choir invited to the festi val, which attracts top choral groups from throughout Europe. Prior to their performances in Estonia, the choir will embark on a ten-day tour of England . In an effort to raise funds for thi s project, the full 30-member choir is offering performances to conventions, confe rences, and civic organi zations in the Portland metropolitan area. Quartets and smaller ensembles are also avail able to sing at meetings, banquets and other functions. A special concert, featuring the PSU Choir and Estonia singers and dancers, will be held April 5 at 7:30 p.m. in Lincoln Hall. Cost is $10. Other performances can be arranged through the PSU Music Depart– ment, 725-3011. PSU 1