PSU Magazine Spring 1990

MAGAZINE Cover: Emily Young, art faculty member, created the computer-gener– ated illustration on the cover. She is one of the pioneers of computer art in Portland and was recently named 1989 Oregon Art Educator of the Year. The School of Fine and Perfonning Arts has influenced the arts in Portland and around the nation . See the story on pages 7- 11. I CONTENTS SPRING 1990 FEATURES The Case for Urban Universities Urban universities are demanding respect as their roles become increasingly important. PAGES 3-6 Portrait of the Artists Faculty and students from Fine and Perforrrilng Arts have made significant contributions to the arts. PAGES 7-11 Alumni Sponsor Interns Four students gained hands-on experience in Washington , D.C. , with alumni support. PAGES 12-13 Computer Center for the Disabled Computers that "read" and "speak" for the blind and disabled are available in a new community center on campus. PAGE 20 DEPARTMENTS Around the Park Blocks Campus Notes Alumni News Sports Alum Notes Calendar 1-2 16-17 18-19 21-22 23-28 29 PSU Magazine is published quarterly for alumni and friends of Ponland State University by the Office of Alumni Affairs. Editor: Kathryn Kirkland; contributors: Clarence Hein ('65), Cliff Johnson , Teresa O' Hearn and Pat Squire; Calendar Editor: Pat Scott. Letters to the editor, news items and inquiries about advenising should be directed to the Editor, PSU Magazine. Ponland State University, P.O. Box 75 1, Ponland , Oregon 97207; (503) 725-37 11. Please send address changes to the Office of Alumni Affairs, Ponland State University, P.O. Box 75 1, Ponland, Oregon 97207. PSU suppons equal educational opponun– ity without regard to sex , race, handicap, age, national origin. marital status or religion.