PSU Magazine Spring 1988

s -ere! The PSU Alumni Classic VISX Card! The Portland State University Alumni Association has joined with U. S. Bank to create a brand new VISA card custom designed for Portland State Alumni:~ Here are someof the benefits you 'll enjoywhen you proudlycarry the PSUAlumni Classic VISA Card: • Low14.9% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE! • $10 Annual Membership Fee Waived For The First Year! • Acceptance At 5Million Locations Worldwide! • EmergencyCash-Worldwide! • 25-DayInterest Grace Period For Purchase Transactions When BalancePaid In Full Monthly! • Fixed, Non-Variable Interest Rate! Portland State University ALUMNI ASSOCIATION • Distinctive Alumni Identification! • Check Cashing Convenience! • Automated Teller Machine Access! *Toqualifyfor this special offeryou must bean alumnus ofPSU (spouses are included). To request an application simply clip, complete and mail this coupon today, or to save time, calll-800-422-8762 (in Portland, call 275-7519).