PSU Magazine Spring 1988

-----·ALUMNOTES·----- Compiled by CliffJohnson Vanport Charles Strader, an attorney with Rappleyea Beck Helterline Spe ncer & Roskie, Ponland, has been elected to membership on the board of directo rs of The Christie School, Marylhurst, Ore. '59 Ron Burback (BS), owner/ operator of Funtastic Rides in So utheast Ponland's Oaks Amusement Park, has bee n named as park consulta nt by the Oaks Park Association. Wally Harding (BS) has bee n elected president of the Orego n Mortgage Bankers Associatio n for 1988. Hardin g is pre sid e nt o f Harding Fletcher Co., an income property le nding firm located in Ponland. '60 David S. Belles (BS), chief fin a ncial officer for First Interstate Ba nk of Orego n, has been named treasurer o f the board of trustees of Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center, Ponla nd. '61 Judith K. Hofer (BS) has been a ppo inted preside nt and c hi e f executive offi cer o f Meier & Fra nk Co., Ponland. She returns to Oregon after serving as preside nt a nd chief executive offi cer o f Famo us-Barr Co. in St. Lo uis, Mo., a nother May Co. divisio n of 36 stores known for high fashion merchandising. Ho fer earlier served as chief executive o f the Meier & Fra nk chain from 1981 to 1983. '62 Gerry B. Cameron (BS) has been elected to the board of directors of Peoples Ba nk in Washington state. He is the current chairma n a nd chi e f e xec utive o ffi ce r o f Old National Ba nk in Seattle. john Petshow (BS) a nd Edward Dundon ('78 MBA) we re recently honored as top producers in the suburba n real estate market by The Koll Co. d e ve lo pme nt firm o f Beaverto n, Ore. Petsh ow is vice pre side nt for investme nts with Coldwell Banker, Ponla nd. Dundon is a broke r with Grubb & Ellis Commercial Brokerage in Portland. Milton R. Smith (BS), a co-founder o f Flo atin g Po int Systems, Inc., Beave rto n, O re., has relinquished the posts of president a nd chief executive officer with the appoint– ment o f Howard A. Thrailkill to the positio ns. Smith had assumed the jobs in Oct. 1986 o n a n interim basis. He expects to resume mo re active participation in his Portla nd law partnership of Acker, Under– wood & Smith. Smith will remain a directo r at Floating Point. '63 Jeffrey M. Alden (BS) has been named a member at large of the new Oregon Business Committee for the Ans for 1988. He is a partner in the Portla nd law firm of Stoel Rives Boley Jones & Gray. Dennis L. West (BA), most rece ntly deputy director o f th e Po rt o f Ponla nd, has been named as assis– ta nt to the preside nt fo r economic developme nt at the Oregon Health Sciences University, Ponland. '64 Eloise _Barry (BA) has become a shareholde r a nd has been elected to the board of directors of Fletcher Farr Ayotte, a Ponland architecture and interio r pla nning fi rm. Barry is a member of the Society for Marketing Professio nal Services. Daniel A. Gemma (BS) has been appointed senior vice preside nt of First Interstate Ba nk o f O regon. He will continue as manager o f corporate credit administration at bank headquarters in Ponla nd. Earl Livengood (BS) h as bee n named executive vice preside nt and auditor, and john L. Kinman ('68 BA) h as bee n n amed execu tive vice p reside nt at U.S. Ba ncorp, Po rtland. Sonja Riihimaki (BA), vice president for fin a nce with Austin Industries, Back in 1966 unidentified dancers swung the night away at Tau Kappa Epsilo!' 's Mardi Gras. TKE is celebrating its 30th year ~n camp~ this May (see Alumni Information box for party information). Newberg, Ore., a nd Dale Suran ('67 BS), partner in charge of the tax departme nt with Peat Marwick Main & Co., Portla nd, have been named members o f an advisory council to assist in the development of the new Family Business Program at O regon State University. '65 Kara Cole (BS) has been named to a new post as e){ecutive vice pres– ident of Mercy Corps Intern ational in Portland, a disaster relief agency. '66 Roger W. McGarrigle (BS), pri nci– pal with Va nDomelen / Looijenga/ McGarrigle / Kn a uf Cons ul ting En gin ee rs, Po rtl and, h as been e lected vice president o f the Struc– tu ra l Engineers Associatio n of Oregon. '67 Ed Immel (BS), a rail plan ner for the Oregon Department of Transpor– tation, has won the 1987 President's Modal Award for Rail T ranspo rta– tion. It was prese n ted by th e Ame ri ca n Assoc iatio n o f State Hi g h way a nd T ra n sporta ti o n Officials. Immel was recognized for helping to preserve local rail service in the Willamette Valley and in an isolated area of Orego n's La ke County. James J. Kirk (BA), formerly with th e T ri -Met lega l d epartme nt, Po1tland, has j oined the Portla nd law fi m1 of Bolliger, Hampton & Tarlow. H is practice will emphasize e n vironmenta l law as we ll a s business and commercial litigatio n. David Kottkamp (BS) a nd David W. Edwards ('78 MBA) have been named international vice presidents at Nike Inc., Beaverto n, O re., in a recent top ma nagement shuffle at the athletic footwear and equipment firm. Kottkamp will head up Nike's European o pe ratio n s. PSU MAGAZINE PAGE 22