PSU Magazine Spring 1988

Fred Hoehler, Executive Director (retired), George Meany Center for Labor Studies, Inc., Washington D.C. David Kim, '65 MSW, Executive Director, Holt International Ch ildren's Services Gladys McCoy, '67 MSW, Chainvoman, Multnomah County Board of Commissioners Florence Schneider, Adjunct Professor, Southern Oregon State College; Leadership Trainer, United Way ofJ ackson County Gayle Veber, Chairma n and Chief Executive Officer, PacifiCorp Financial Services Loren Wyss, President of the Board, Tri-Met Bernard Ross (ex-officio), Dean, Graduate School of Social Work School of Urban and Public Affairs LLoyd Anderson, Executive Director, Pon of Portland Don Clark, Director, Central City Concern Elaine Cogan, Planner, Cogan, Sharpe, Cogan Planning and Management Service Rena Cusma, Executive Officer, METRO Ellsworth P. Ingraham, Vice President for Administration, NERCO Gretchen Kafoury, Commissioner, District 2 Multnomah County Sidney Lezak, Attorney, Newcomb, Sabin, Schwanz, & Landsverk Mike Lindberg, Commissioner, City of Portland E. Kimbark MacColl, Historian Marc Maden, Acting Administrator, Intergovernmental Resource Center, METRO Bill Naito, Vice President, Norcrest China Company Fred Rosenbaum (Chairman), Rosenbaum and Rosenbaum Freddye Webb-Petett, Director, Adult & Family Services Division Roger Yost, Architect, Yost, Grube, Hall Nohad Touian (ex-officio), Dean, School of Urban and Public Affairs Division of Continuing Education Wes Doak, State Librarian, Oregon State Library Jim Harper, Director of Human Resources, Siltronic Corp. Kathleen Hoogerhuis, Training Manager, First Interstate Bank Lucille Houston, Realtor Dorothea Lensch (Chainvoman), Past Director, Portland Parks Bureau Rick Meyers, Special Projects Manager, KATU– TV Channel 2 James Peters, CPA, Blumhagen Peters & Co., PC Gale Peterson, Training Specialist, Adult & Family Services Division, Oregon Dept. of Human Resources Mike Schend, Director of Community Education, Hood River County ESD Wally Schwab, Ceramic Artist - Potter Al Siebert, Psychologist Gail Tycer, Vice President, Turtledove Clemens, Inc. Cathy Wamsley, Executive Director, Umatilla/ Morrow County Headstan, Inc. Denny Westover, Director of Elementary Education, Parkrose School District 3 Robert Nicholas (ex-officio), Dean, Division of Continuing Education Library Mrs. George Azumano Joseph Browne, Director, Wilson W. Clark Memorial Library, University of Portland Donald S. Bryant Colin Herald Campbell George A. Carbone, Professor Emeritus Sarah Ann Long (Chainvoman), Director, Multnomah County Library Michael Powell, Owner, Powell's Bookstore Jack Radow Julianne Williams, Library Manager, Tektonix, Inc. C. Thomas Pfingsten (ex-officio), Director, PSU Library International Trade Institute Allan Abravanel, Attorney, Perkins-Coie Lloyd Anderson, Pon of Portland Samuel Anderson, President, American World Trade David Buffam, International Private Consultant Gary Conkling, Director, Public Affairs, Tektronix, Inc. Frank Dausz, Export Manager, George S. Bush & Company R.W. DeWeese, President, Pump Controller Don Frisbee*, Chairman, PacifiCorp Linda Fromm*, Executive Vice President, Extech, Ltd. Dan Giustina, President, Pierce Corporation Dan Goldy, Consultant Economist Joseph Ha, Chairman, Dept. of International Relations, Lewis & Clark College Raymond Kell, Kell, Alterman & Runstein Charlotte Kennedy, Director, World Affairs Council E.S. Kirn, Hancock China Co. George G. Lee, Publisher, Portland Magazine Jay Lee, President, United Industries Frank Martino*, Provost, PSU Vergil Miller*, Dean, School of Bus. Admin., PSU William Miller, Senior Vice President, Lamb Weston David Monschke, President, JoPac Sam Naito*, Vice President, Norcrest China Company Richard Nockleby, Senior Vice President, U.S. National Bank Delbert L. Pearson, Marine Director, Pon of Portland J.H. Polstra, Vice President, Viking International Lloyd Porter*, District Director, U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service Y.D. Ryo, Korea Polymer Co. Robert Short*, Chairman of the Board, Portland General Electric Roger Smith*, Arthur Andersen & Co. M. Lynn Spruill*, Dean, College of Bus., Oregon State University E. Kay Stepp*, President, Portland General Electric Co. PSU MAGAZINE PAGE 20 Ted Suzuki, Suzuki International Ben Tyran*, Investor Glen Ulmer, Partner, Arthur Andersen & Company Calvin Van Pelt, Victor Inte rnational Wim Winter, Vice President, First Interstate Bank Wendall Wyatt, Attorney, Schwabe, Williamson &Wyatt Gil Latz (ex-officio), Director, Internatio nal Trade In stitute Ifill *serve on this council's executive committee Managing Money Continmd from page 11 Huson's view is supported by Vergil V. Miller, dean of PSU's School of Bus– iness Administration and former chief operating officer of a mutual fund management and distribution com– pany. To develop a sound and consist– ent philosophy for action, Dr. Miller advises, "Consider your objectives, your resources, and your attitude toward taking risks. Before making investments, you should have enough protected savings to see you through at least nine months." He adds that the contrarian philo– sophy of investing favored by Huson, can also mean buying stock in small but strong companies that tend to be overlooked. "Those stocks are under– valued because they are underrecog– nized and under-analyzed. Once they become recognized they jump in value, and then you jump off." Huson says his clients take comfort in his conservative, contrari an approach to investing. "This is usually the biggest part of their nest egg, and it makes all the difference in their lifestyle." He says it's exhil arating to match wits with other investors, make the rightjudgements, and see his clients meet their financial objectives. In making the right judgements and the correct choices, Richard Huson put Black Monday in a different light - it was, for some, only a medium shade of gray. fill (Dana Holmes is a Portland free-lance wri– ter and editor at This Week.)