PSU Magazine Fall 2005

Kyra Ngo is human resources administrator al Embassy Suites in downtown Portland. Ngo has been with the hotel since 2003. The facility earned top honors as the number one hotel in the chain for guest loyalty and was awarded the 2003 Connie Award recognizing the hotel for the best quality and service within the Hilton Hotels. Jennifer Porter MURP works in the city or Portland's Office or Sustainable Development. Alexandra "Lexy" Sanchez Riffe MPA is a planning and development specialist in the president's office at Chemeketa Community College in Salem. Keri Tyler writes, "Finished coursework toward an MA in urban planning from UCL.A in June. Planning to complete a client project this summer and grad uate in the fall. Relocated to New Brunswick, New Jersey, for the project coordinator position with the New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Project at Rutgers Un iversity's Voorhees Trans– portation Center. " Shanna Trenholm is the special projects coordi nator and deve l– opment associate for Rolling Readers USA, a national non– proHL literacy organizati on based in an Diego, California. Kazuko "Kat" Arai, a real estate broker with REMAX in Portland. he specializes in duplex housing and homes with lots. Kellie Ciochon is the customer relationship manager al Site!, a ca ll center for General Motors. iochon lives in Portland. Tim Holmstrom MURP is the head athletic trainer and strength coach with the Seaule Thunderbirds Hockey Club in Bellevue, Washington. Matthew Horner MBA writes, "I am three months into a two– year presidential management rellowship with the U.S. Citizen– ship and Immigration Services at their headquarters in Wash– ington, D.C. I head to the Department or Stale on rotation for four to six months in the 36 PSU MAGAZINE FALL 2005 fall. The nation's capital is great and the education I received al the Hatfield School or Govern– ment is a wonderful asset as I pursue my career in the civil service!" Kari Joel is lead secretary at Grand haven Elementary School in McMinnville. Kelley Marlin is a graduate stu– dent in science education at PSU. Marlin hopes Lo pursue a career in science wriling. Kimberly McClain is the enrollment and outreach spe– cialist for Big Brothers Big Sisters or Clackamas County in Oregon City. Jack McCollister is a Navy seaman and recemly completed basi training al Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Illinois. Charles Ritter MPH is a health systems specialist al the Port– land Veterans Administration Medical Center. Lisa Rojas MSW is a mental health specialist with the Coos County Mental Health in Coos Bay. Adam Smith is campus pro– grams manager with Campus– Point, whose mission is to increase the number or intern– ships and local jobs available to current college students and recent college graduates. Breu Soulek is a product and service specialist at The Stan– dard in Portland. Margaret Hsiao-Fan Wang M is a technical consultant with Wells Fargo Bank in San Fran– cisco, Cal ifornia. Eugene Draco is a brand repre– sentative with Ab rcrombie &: Fitch in Portland. Krista (Silvers) Harmon is a selr-employed sign language interpreter. Harmon lives in Portland. Roger Lindgren PhD is associ– ate professor or civil engineering at Oregon Institute or Technol– ogy in Klamath Falls. Lindgren spoke August 3 at a PSU event that honored U.S. Rep. Peter De Fazio ror having secured funding for PSU's University Transportation Center from the rederal Transportation Equity Act. Christopher Stewart has joined KinetiComm, a communicatio ns and public relations firm in Portland. Stewart specializes in public relations, marketing, copywriling, and media rela– tions. He is a member of the Public Relations Society or America and sits on its new pro– ressionals board. Joe Wiser has signed a prores– sional contract with the Mon– treal Aloueues or the Canadian Football League. Wiser com– peted at PSU from 2000 to 2004 and was the starting quarterback the past two seasons. David Boone, proressor of envi– ronmental microbiology, died May 27 from cancer. Dr. Boone, who was teaching right up to his death, won awards for his scientific contributions and out– standing teaching. In 2004, he was awarded the Bergey Medal for his lifelong contribution in the field of systematic bacteriol– ogy. That same year he won the PSU John Eliot Allen Outstand– ing Teacher Award . In 2005, he was given the J. Roger Porter Award for his significant resea rch and contributions to bacterial taxonomy and culture collection . Dr. Boone joined the P U Biology Department in 1997. hanning Briggs, former dean of students, died in Portland May 17 after a long illness. He was 90. As dean of students from 1962 to 1970, Dr. Briggs defended students' right to protest the Vietnam War, enforced the University's policy prohibiting discrimination, and fostered a spirit of inquiry, responsibility, and empathy at the school. He went on to serve the University another 11 years as dean of admissions and records. During those years he helped found and direct the National Association or Student– Personnel Administrators. Today NASP helps thousand of higher education proressionals adminis– ter their institutions and assist their students. The family has requested that donations in Dr. Briggs's memory be given to the Studen t Loan Fund through the PSU Foundation. Philip Roberti , proressor emeri– tus of chemistry, died May 16 in Portland. A graduate or Lincoln High chool, Dr. Roberti found himselr back in that building when he joined the Portland Stale faculty in 1955. Teaching college-level chemistry in the facilities of a former high school was a considerable challenge, remember colleagues or Dr. Roberti. He overcame the diffi– culties and created a wide fol– lowing among students. He retired from Portland State in 1987. Gary Robinson '61, MA '73 died of a brain tumor May 11, the day before he was to receive the PSU Outstanding Alumnus award. Robinson had been on campus just days before as a member or the Friends or the PSU Millar Library and had every intension of personally receiving the award. Robinson was a lirelong supporter or Port– land State as well as his neigh– borhood schools or Hosford and Cleveland High. In addition to volunteering, Robinson founded and ran Training and Develop– ment Programs in Portland. Donations may be given in Robinson's name LO the Friends or the PSU Millar Library. Wayne Prescott uttle , pro– ressor emeri tus or anthropology, died at his San Juan Island home May 9 from pancreatic cancer. He was 87. Dr. Suules,who taught at PSU rrom 1966 to 1985, cond u ted groundbreaking observations on Northwest Indian culLUre that drew on a close study or Salish economics and languages. I Lis observations served as the basis for landmark court rulings in two countries; his fieldwork revived traditions and tongues thought forever lost; and his analysis helped to prove that peoples deemed long extinct still, live on. Dr. Sullies contin– ued his research almost until his death . D