PSU Magazine Fall 2005
center from a patient\:; home. As a microelectronic components person, l am leading the charge LO create supply chain and cor– porate business strategy. Next stop, taking the company's first trip LO Asia to gain knowledge and establish relations." Colin Cooper MURP is a senior planner in the city of Beaverton Community Development Department. Steve Flunker MBA was hon– ored for the second year in a row with the JC Penney Chair– man's Award for Managerial Excellence. Approximately 250 people in. the company of 150,000 win the award each year. Multiple wins are quite rare. Flunker is manager of supply chain compliance. Debbie Rosenberg is the social studies department chair at a private middle school in Balti– more City, Maryland. During the summer, she teaches GED courses at the local community college. Rosenberg was named National History Day 2005 Teacher of the Year for the Cen– tral Maryland District by the Maryland Humanities Council. Erin Russell is a certified ath– letic trainer working for Sports– Care Physical Therapy and Centennial High School. Russell is in her second year as the team athletic trainer for Portland Shockwave, part of the lndepen– dent Women's Football League. She lives in Portland. Gregory Carich MST has accepted a position at The American School in England for the 2005-2006 academic year. Carich will be teaching world geography and British history. Heike Mayer MUS, PhD '03 has moved to the Washington, D.C., area LO teach and do research in urban planning at Virginia Tech's Alexandria Center. Tanya Sommer MST '03 is a natural resource specialist with the U .5. Bureau of Reclamation in Portland. Joseph Hunter EdD is superin– tendent of the Central School District in Independence. Hunter has been an educator for 19 years, most recently serving as principal of Sexton Elemen– tary School in Beaverton. Alisha Fitch MEd '03 is a high school art teacher with the Bal– timore City Public School Dis– trict. Fitch received the Reginald F. Lewis Outstanding Teaching Award in 2004 (the only teacher chosen from her school). ln addition, she teaches driver\:; education part time. Her hobbies include oil paint– ing and handmade quilting. She and her husband live in Balti– more, and just purchased their first house. Anne Sellers works in the human resources field and writes, "Have helped LO hire over 550 new employees in the home improvement industry since August 2004." She lives in West Covina, California. Adam Zielinski MBA is field manager for Conservation Ser– vices Group in Oregon. Zielinski is responsible for implementing the Energy Trust of Oregon's Reserve your holiday party. reception, or special event now Call 503-725-8943 Home Energy Savings Program. He and his team develop energy efficiency projects at individual and multifamily homes around Oregon. Steven Vodjansky, a U.S. Navy peny officer second class, is part of a reserve logistics support force sent to Kuwait. Vodjan– skyl:; unit has been working directly with the Army to pro– vide critical combat logistics support to soldiers and Marines in Iraq and Kuwait. Miriam Calderon MSW is an education policy analyst for the National Council of La Raza, a private, nonprofit organization focused on improving opportu– nities for Hispanic Americans. Calderon lives in Laurel, Mary– land. Michelle Cheney MBA is mar– keting director al Pacific Pathol– ogy Associates, a group of eight private practice doctors at Salem Hospital. Abby Gjerstad is executive assistant at Oregon Iron Works, Inc., in Clackamas. Patricia "Pattye" Zensen is an instructor in the department of geological sciences at California State University - Northridge. Zansen lives in Los Angeles. Eric Axness is a law clerk at Stoel Rives, LLP, in Portland. Theresa Carr MURP is a trans– portation planner at CH2M Hill in Portland. Dave Friesen has joined the PSU Alumni Board of Directors. Friesen is principal consultant al ClearSman, lnc.. a business and technology consulting firm in Beaverton. He also is a member of the lnstilule of Management Accountants and the Project Management Institute. He and his wife, Rebecca, live in Beaver– ton . Seniye Groff MS is director of instructional development al Via Training, an e-learning business. Groff also is an adjunct profes– sor at Marylhursl University and Clark College and is a board member of ASTD (American Society for Training &: Develop– ment) and Dress for Success. She lives in Portland. FALL 2005 PSU MAGAZINE 35
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