PSU Magazine Fall 2005

Co NT ENT s FEATURES Kabuki Northwest 6 An American finds his passion in Japanese culture and shares it with his studems. At the Expense of Health 10 New study shows lawmakers the heartbreak of Medicaid cuts. First Class 14 Alma Bingham prepared Portland State Colleges firs t graduating class for careers in education. Cyprus on the Line 16 Grasping this small islands conOict and acting on it is the goal or two professors raised in Cyprus. Power Currents 20 Alumnus plums the depths ror an alternative form of clean energy. DEPARTMENTS Around the Park Blocks 2 page 16 Presidenl Wins Award, $16 Million for PSU Transportalion CenLer, University Earns a Place on Lh e Best Lists, Students Take on a Practical Power Problem, Leineweber Named Head of PSU Foundation, Peace Corps Alumni Come Lo Campus Letters 4 The Story Behind the Galileo Book Purchase, Forgotten Team Member; in Washington, Keep Primaries the Same Off the Shelf 5 T/ie Broken Olive Branch, Affinity, Follywood, Elysen: A Novel, The Portland Edge, Global Electioneering, Voice from the Void, The Amacon Cover Sports 23 Vikings Recrui.t Talented Head Coaches, Winners in 2004-05 Building Our Future 24 Helping First-Generation Students Succeed Alumni Association News 26 PSU Weekend Speaks to 'Building Bridges,' Dear Alumni and Friend , Alumni Board Member Mahe lmpacl, Gelling Alumni Together Around the World Alum Notes 28 Bill Klausman '66 Reveals His Life as a Corporate Spy, Scoll Davis 74 Is Taking UPS Global, Carolyn Cole '76 ucceeds as a Contemporary Arlist, Kimber Dahlquist '97 Helps College Dreamers Cover Kabuki students of Prof Lany Kominz gave an English-language premiere of The Medi– cine Pecldl r (Uiro Uri) in July. ee sL01y on Page 6. Photos by Toshimi Tanaka and Atsuho Matsuyama EDITOR Kathryn Kirkland CO TRIBUTORS Douglas Swanson, Jean Tuomi, Martha Wagner DESIG CO SULTANT Terry Daline EDITORIAL OFFICE 325 Cramer Hall P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-0751 503-725-4451, FAX: 503-725-4465 E-MAIL: ADDRESS CHA GES PSU Foundation Demographics P.O. Box 243 Portland, OR 97207-0243 503-725-491 l E-MAIL: ALUMNI RELATIO S OFFICE Pal Squire MPA '95, Assistant Vice President Simon Benson House P.O. Box 751 Portland , OR 97207-0751 503-725-4948 E-MAIL: ALUM I BOARD OF DIRECTORS Roberta McEniry '76, President Kori Allen '84 Jeff Austin '77 Jacqueline Bell '71 Roger Capps '60 Trish Ciliberti MSW '90, PhD '97 Donna Derington '79 Robert Edmiston '84 Dave Friesen '03 Michelle Girts '83 Linda Hamilton '90 Behzad Hosseini '96 Marshaljevning '96 Komi Kalevor '88 Bill Lemman, Vanport, '04 Terry Pinnell '01 Gary Purpura '71 Gerry Scovil '65, MS '68 Ann Takamura MPA '97 Charisse Tooze '94 Trish Trout MA '88 Cathy Williams '56 Angela Wykoff '72, MS '75, '80 ALUM I AMBASSADORS JonJalali '67, MBA '71, Medford Dennis Olson '68, MS '80 Pendleton Cathy Williams '56, Sisters PSU Maga::ine is published three times a year during fall, winter, and spring terms. Contents may be reprinted only by permission of the editor. The magazine is printed on recycled paper. Portland State University is an affirmative action/ equal opportunity institution. !'Al L 2005 PSU MAGAZINE