PSU Magazine Fall 2005
Linda Hamilton has joined Lhe PSU Alumni Board of DirecLOrs. HamilLon is director of energy marketing for natural gas and electricity services and products at Shell Trading Gas and Power Company. She is interested in fundraising, marketing, and event coordination. She lives in Portland . Annette Matthews BA '97, a resident in psychiatry at Oregon Health & S ience University, has received Lhe American Medical Association Foundations 2005 Leadership Award. The award provides special Lraining LO medi al sLUdents, residen Ls, fel– lows, young physicians, and imemaLional medical graduaLe physicians to develop skills as future leaders in organized med– icine. Recipients are selected based on their outstanding lead– ership skills in advocacy, com– munity service, and/or education. While at PSU, Matthews served as sLudent body presidenL. Erik Odegard earned a masLer'.s degree in computer information systems from University of Phoenix in May. Wissam lssam Abu-Taha is assistant general manager at Samba Financial Group in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Abu-Taha writes, "PSU was Lhe best Lhing LhaL happened LO me. After graduaLing, I was immediaLely hired by Accenture in Riyadh. I spent 11 years with Lhem and then moved LO Samba Financial Group in 2002 (which was Saudi American Bank and an affiliate of itibank). PSU taughL me many things beside acade– mic curriculum; it taught me values and traits I have been using all Lhrough my career and life, enabling me to reach where I amt day. Thank you PSU." James Atkin on is medical director al Desert Springs Hos– piLal Medical CenLer for Surgical Weight Loss in Las Vegas, Nevada. Elizabeth "Liz" Konsella is an artisL and sculptor completing a MasLer of Fine Arts degree al John E Kennedy UniversiLy in 32 P U MAGAZINE FALL 200 Berkeley, alifornia. Her exhibi– tion, Where Darkness Meets Light... in Bed, was shown at the university's Arts and Conscious– ness Gallery from May 31 to June 5. Clint Owens is president of LiveWire Technologies, a Te h– nocom company thaL designs and installs residential network cabling for entertainment, com– municaLions, lighting, and secu– rity systems. He lives in Tualatin. Carrie Marsh MURP is urban designer for the city of Portland, Maine. Marsh returned to her home state of Maine after 10 years in Providence, Rhode Island . While in Providence she worked for Cornish Associates, a planning and development service firm . ancy Pisarek is a real estate broker with Coldwell Banker in Oregon City. Jacolyn Wheatley is executive direcLOr at Accounling for Non Profits in Portland . Wheatley, a certified public accountant, sLarted the company in 2005 LO serve the accounting, 1 ook– keeping, and technology needs of small- to medium-sized nonprofit organizalions. Malt Zybas is interim direcLor of communiLy development and planning for San Juan ounty, Washington. Matthew Goldman is Lhe exec– uLive assistant to the vice presi– dent of Regence lnformalion Technology Services in Portland. Robert "Bob" Magnuson MPA lefL acLive duty with the U.S. Air Fo r e and is now executive d irector of paLient financial ser– vices for Northern Arizona Healthcare system in Flagstaff, Arizona. Magnuson and his wife, the former Jenni.fer Hill– man '98, have three children. They would love to hear from old PSU friends. PORTIAND STATE lJNIVERSITY Hit the road for PSU Show your Viking spirit and help support student scholarship through a PSU license plate available from the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles. Apply using Form 268, found in any DMV office or on the Web site www . Karen Walthinsen BM, MST '96 is living in Cologne, Ger– many, working as a baroque violin– ist and medieval fidd le player in the groups Les Musiciens du Louvre, out of Paris and Greno– ble, France; BosLOn Camerate, ouL of Boston; and Collegium Carthusianum and Musica Fiata, ouL of Cologne, Germany. Walthinsen travels all over Europe and America on concert Lours and makes several record– ings a year. She is looking for– ward to a Lour of the U.. and Canada this fall with mezzo– soprano Cecilia Bartoli. Sara Young is manager for The Moonstruck Chocolate Cafe in Lake Oswego. Tony Buscemi MBA is a project manager al Wiley & Wilson, Inc., in Alexandria, Virginia. David Hawkins is vice presi– dent and brand manager at Umpqua Bank. In addition to managing the bank's recent Web site redesign, he is leading the group assigned to apply the Umpqua brand to 30 California banks recently acquired by the company. Hawkins also serves on the Portland Children'.s Museum board of directors. Jennifer Kaufman is an atLOr– ney al the headquarters of the National Labor Relations Board in Washington, D.C. Deirdre (Roberts) Lorenz moved LO New York City afte r graduation and has been sLUdy– ing at Stella Adler Studios, while pursuing acting, modeling, and writing jobs. Lorenz has starred in several independent films and landed bit roles in Two Weeks Notice, The Emperor's Club, and The Sopranos. She has appeared in numerous ommcrcials, was on the cover of New York Maga– zine, and competed on the pre– miere of NBC'.s Fear Factor. She volunteers wi th BookPALS, (Per– forming Artists for Literacy in Schools).
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