PSU Magazine Fall 2005
James Carskadon Ill is presi– dent of Advanced Marketing Solutions, Inc., in Portland. Carskadon also serves as chair of the Oregon State Marine Board, is president of the North– west Sportfishing lndustry Asso– ciation, and is host of the Inside Passage television show. Lawrence Conrad MURP is senior transportation planner with the Clackamas County Department of Transportation and Development. Ray Guenther MBA received the Presidential Medallion from PSU President Dan Bernstine upon his retire– ment from Intel July 13. This is only the second time Bernstine has awarded the medallion in his eight years at the University. The president recognized Guenther for "accomplishing the impossible" and "his tireless efforts to sup– port Oregon and higher educa– tion." Guenther retired as general manager for Intel opera– tions in Oregon. Candace Petersen MBA, PhD '96 is chief strategy officer for InFocus Corporation in Wilsonville. She had worked in a variety of other positions for U.S. Steel, Boise Cascade, and IBM. She encourages those women who believe they cannot get advanced degrees because of dual pressures of home and work to reconsider; she earned her doctorate at PSU while raising six children. Robert "Rob" Edmiston has joined the PSU Alumni Board of Directors. Edmiston is program director at The Enterprise Foun– dation, a lending agency which provides funds for development of affordable housing. He and his wife, Nancy, live in Portland. Ramon Torrecilha MS '86 is executive vice president for institutional advancement at Mills al lege in Oakland, California. Jane Langley MA is assistant to the president at Sheldon Jack.son College in Sitka, Alaska. Langley has been living and teaching in southeast Alaska since 1995. She serves on the president's cabinet and performs such duties as revising the college's policies and procedures. She was judicial clerk for the late Donald Lander, judge for Oregon's Fourth Judicial District. Doris "D.B." Lenck is develop– ment officer at Keble College in Oxford, England. Ken Schumann MST is athletic director at Pacific University in Forest Grove. Schumann has been at the university 21 years, as coach and administrator. David Stewart-Smith MPA is director of energy policy devel– opment at Pacific Energy Sys– tems and will be assisting state and local governments in the Western U.S. with energy policy development. Stewart-Smith for– merly was assistant director of energy resources at the Oregon Department of Energy, where he was responsible for managing the review of 11 new energy projects for Oregon's electric power and natural gas infrastructure. Anne Marie Philbrook is a designer in the San Francisco Bay Area specializing in health care facilities. Philbrook's clients include Al ta Bates/Summit Med– ical Center, Kaiser, Alameda County Medical Center, and Mt. Diablo Medical Center. She earned a degree in interior architecture and design in 1999 and recently passed the National Council for Interior Design Qualificalion exam and is now focusing on passing the Califor– nia architects registration exam. Eric Spangenberg MBA is dean of the College of Business and Economics at Washington State University in Pullman. Spangen– berg is responsible for day-to– day operations and executive decisions, as well as faculty affairs and research. He formerly served as senior associate dean for faculty affairs and research CARTER, FEENEY, GLOSS & SALYERS IS NOT A LAW FIRM MARGARET CARTER '73 Oregon Stale Senator DICK FEENEY '6] Transportation Advocate MOLLY GLOSS '66 Author GARY SALYERS '57 Educa!Or PsuAlurnni Association But Carter, Feeney, Gloss, and Sa lyers do have something in common : all are among the recipients of the Outstanding Alumni Award presented at PSU Salutes, our annual recognition event. Portland State honors those who have distinguished themselves in their careers and their service to the University. Now is the time to nominate an Outstanding Alumnus or Distinguished Faculty Member (current or retired) for the 2006 edition of PSU Salutes on May 11. Nomination forms and a complete list of past recipients are at www.alumni. !events. Or call the Alumni Office at 503-725-4949. The selection commit– tee seeks your nomination by February 1, 2006. SPONSORED BY TI IE PSU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION A D UNIVERSITY RELATIONS and was instrumenLal in guiding the college through an accredi– tation review. Joe Cooke MT '90 has pub– lished his first novel, Elysen. ln addition to his writing career, Cooke works as a Realtor for Windermere Real Estate in Walla Walla, Washington, where he lives with his wife, JoAnn, and their two children. Michael Stevens is a navigation engineer with Matson Naviga– tion Company in San Francisco, California. Andrew Davies BS '90 is a pro– grammer and analyst at Univer– sity of California, San Diego. Steven Green is director of parts and logistics at Kia Motors America., Inc., in Irvine, California. M. Bradley Miller is a police corporal with the Pearl Harbor Police Department in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Jennifer Cameron is chief financial officer for OMG Multi– Media. OMG produces televi– sion, videos, and Internet applications, including America's Outdoor Journal, Inside Passage, and Camp YMCA. In addition, they have produced video prod– ucts and commercials for Cole– man, Columbia Sportswear, Fred Meyer, North River Boats, and others. Cameron lives in Lake Oswego. Kelley Hamilton is chief execu– tive officer at Mountain West Retirement Corporation in Salem. Juan Flores is communication director at AyA, a govemmenL agency in San Jose, Costa Rica. Flores writes, "Studying al PSU was one of the best periods in my academic life." FALL 2005 PSU MAGAZINE 31
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