PSU Magazine Fall 2005

Au MN 1 ASSOCIATION N E W S PSU Weekend speaks to 'Building Bridges' "Can We All Gel Along?" Lhe keynoLe speech by best-selling aULhor Bruce Feiler, sets the theme for PSU Week– end, October 21-23. The 14Lh annual event emphasizes building bridges beLween counLries, cultures, and religions. Feiler is auLho r of Walking lhe Bible and Abraham: A Journey lo the Heart of Three Faiths. His SaLUrday, Ocl. 22, talk will offer a powerful inLerfaiLh message and a hopeful vision for peace and reconciliaLion. "WheLher you've read his books or not," says Terri Pinnell '01, chair of P U Weekend, "you'll be fascinaLed by his message. Mr. Feiler has Lraveled exLensively and worked wiLh many culLUres, bringing people together and sparking dialogues abouL faiLh, com– muniLy, religion, poliLics, and shared va lues." Feiler's new book, Where God was Born: A Journey by Land to the Roots of Religion, is available this fall. lt chroni– cles his 10,000-mile journey through Israel, lraq, and Iran, as he visited archeological and biblical sites and uncovered new informaLion aboul links between Judaism, ChrisLianity, and Islam. Feiler will also host a three-hour miniseries on Walking the Bible on PBS Lhis fall . For more information aboul Feiler, go LO A number of the 25 free lectures on Saturday's Seminar Day continue the bridges theme, including "Religion and PoliLics in the Middle East Con– flict " with Prof. Grant Farr, and "Con– flict, Peace and GlobalizaLion" wiLh Prof. Harry Anastasiou (see page l 6). A variety of oLher topics wi ll be addressed as well, including talks on Social Security, principles of poker, slow food, and art of Lhe DaVinci Code. Walch your mail for th e PSU Week– end brochure, go Lo Lhe PSU Alumn i Web site at, or ca ll Lh e PSU Weekend holline for more information al 503-725-4949. 26 PSU MAGAZINE FALL 2005 Dear alumni and friends, lL is with much pleasure that I assume the role of president of the PSU Alumni Association Board of DirecLors, the gov– erning body of the Alumni Association. My passion for Porlland State sLems from my experience as a studem, and whaL PSU has done for me and meant Lo me over the years since Lhen. I'm sure many of you share the same feelings of gratitude and loyally that 1 do. lasL year, the board of direc– Lors tackled Lhe firsL year of a mulLi-year strategic plan. Some of our ini– tiaLives direcLly reflecLed our plans for outreach LO alumni and improved communications. Some high– lighLs of the year included: ♦ Receptions for alumni and friends in San Diego, Bellevue, Salem, Bend, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and the Republic of Qatar ♦ DevelopmenL of a plan for increased electronic communicaLions (Lo be implememed this year) ♦ Travel programs to Holland and Hungary, Croatia, Sicily, and Russia A gift to our alumni! Get a free, permanent email forwarding address that you'll always remem– ber! Even if you move or change jobs, you'll never have to worry about losing email or having to give your friends and colleagues your new email address. It's a forwarding ser– vice that directs all emails sent to it on to your existing email address. Sign up at, where you can also submit an alum note, update your mailing address, or sign up for newsletters-all online. ♦ Adoption of free email forwarding for all graduates ♦ A holiday party for legislators and a Lobby Day in Salem ♦ Partnerships wiLh numerous cam– pus and studenl groups LO achieve University-wide goals ♦ An outstanding P U Weekend focused on Lewis and Clark This year we're taking a slightly dif– ferem approach to P U Weekend with the very timely international-themed topic of "Building Bridges." Of course we'll continue with our other popular activities and seminar topics during the weekend as well. Look for our ad on the inside cover of this magazine. Finally, l want Lo encourage all of you to think about your experience at PSU and what it has meanL LO you, and think about getting involved with the University and the Alumni Association. The ways for staying connected are many, from lectures on campus to ath– letic events, from alumni events Lo nominating a favorite facu lty member for our distinguished faculty awards. The alumni staff can answer your ques– tions, and if you'd like LO comact me , please feel free! (I'm at 1mceni1y ) Go Vikings! Roberta McEni,y '76 President, PSU Alumni Association Alumni board members make impact Three alumni board members, who have given their all , finished their terms this June on the Alumni Association. Gerry Craig '66 s rved as president of the association in 2003-2004 and on countless committees through the years, including P U Weekend and PSU Ath– letics. Tamara Lewis '69 served as presi– dent in 2002-2003 and has chaired the board's Connections Committee, among other assignments. Rosanna Schewerda '9 1, MT '93 served as PSU Weekend chair in 200 l and as treasurer of the association this past year. Our thanks.go