PSU Magazine Fall 2005

"We sLan ed from scratch ouLhere, buL once you see the poLenLial for learning in younger children you jusL have to see that it's clone. You look back now," she says, "and you wonder, Why was it not always onsiderecl imporlant7" ~ en asked about the bright spots or memorable Limes in her career, Bingham always mentions the stu– dems. "We always had such a mix." Most of her classes were electives; peo– ple from other majors "brought Lheir own points or view," e invited back to Education grads ar ear celebration campus for a 50th Y . =u weekend. Oct 22 during'".,, . saturday, .. "ties include a reumon 1be day's fest1v1 9 _45 a.m. in smith breakfast from 8 to . inar at MemOrial Union_and a::Brown will 10 a.m. Prof. lube E:: etentr, ANew discuss ,, Cultural C p Management: Approach to Classro::staY for free PSU Grads are wel~ome Weekend semmars. d seminar reserva· fo rbreakfast an . o-'v edu or ·1 w,scars .,..,.. tions. please~~:; For a listing of all call 503-725 . o to P5Uweekend events. g . she says. And although she taught and influenced thousands of students and teachers during her career, Bingham remains modest. "Well," she says, "l enjoyed it." 1 began as an English literature major," she says, "and had no idea l would end up in teacher education. But once l saw the possibilities l couldn't leave it. You have this won– derful oppo rtunity to develop skills and attitudes in the students you work with , but also to develop teachers who already are in the classroom and, through them, their students." B ingham'.s students appreciated her dedication , as Mike Fiasca can attest. His daughter, Anna, earned a degree in education at PSU and had Bingham as a teacher. "My daughter thought the world of her. he graduated in 1970 and they still communicate. Alma's a gem." Even after retirement Bingham has remained involved with Portland State, most recemly as a member of the Gradua te Commi uee. "lL has been wonderfu l being at Portland State and seeing it develop," she says. "l firmly believed, and still do , that we need a university in Portland. Being part of it was really exciting. lt's hard to describe it Lo someone who wasn't there." D (Clarence Hein is former director of community relations at Portland State.) • • As the University anniversary . 2 approaches its 60th from its first';ra:06, We'd like to hear the class of f 956 ~~tes, members of rou, and We're o~ e~e ~ere 72 of •nforrnatio ~ ly missing contact n ,or four d. Hornshuh Brooks, gra s. Lorean June E. Norgard a::::.:d Michener, O'Neel. Let us bto if I el Charles them. w you know of Class of '56 if share your me~ rou would like to College, give PSir;,s of ~ortland State Kathryn Kirkland 'agazme editor 4451 or send h a call at 503-725- kirlc/an,1,-..~ er an email at " . FALL 2005 PSU MAGAZINE 15