PSU Magazine Fall 2004

"L arning to address problems from the commumty's perspective - that stays with me.'' - Michael D. Schrunk, Multnomah County District Attorney, BS, E.conomics, Class of '64 MIKE 5CHRU!';K WA~ A VIKING ON THE FOOTBALL FIELD AND BASKETBALL CO-CRT. Hes also quick Lo recognize the teamwork that distinguishes every Portland State students experience. The internships and pilot projects. The strong cmmnunity alliances. The commitment to our economic and cultural well-being. And as Multnomah County District Attorney since 1981, he continues to witness PSUs collaborative approach to improving the regions quality of life. Mike's time at Portland State remains with him - that's why he's a contributor to Building Our Future, PSU's $100 million capital campaign. To join him in expanding your urban university's role as an essential partner in the community, call 503-725-4PSU, e-mail give@pdx. edu or visit www.pdx. edu/giving. Bui Id ingOu rFutu re The Campaign for Portland State University PORTIAND STATE l]NNERSITY