PSU Magazine Fall 2013
P, U cAumni <..Association PORTIAND STATE l)NIVERSITY If you're not a member of our Group Savings Plus program, then you're not taking advantage of the group buying power of the Portland State University Alumni Association. So you could be paying too much for auto insurance. $300 too much! Just think what you could do with that extra money. With Group Savings Plus, you'll enjoy: •A group discount of up to 10% off our already competitive rates on auto and home insurance':·::· •Additional savings based on your age, level of education and more"" ~- • Convenient payment plans • Rates guaranteed for 12 months, not six • 24-Hour claims service and Emergency Roadside Assistancet Call now and see just how much you can save. Then start spending your money on something a bit more exciting than auto insurance! For a free coverage evaluation and no-obligation rate quote, please call, toll-free 1.866.477.3111 or visit GROUP SAVINGS p LU S ® ·~1~ure based on rhe average aum pol1qholder savmgs when comparing the premiums of two ma1or msurers with those of L1hcrry Murual's Group Savings Plus program. Savings information 1s based on dara compiled as of 3/1/01. lnJiv1dual pr~m1ums and savin~ \\.ill \'ary...Discounts and credus are available where state IJws and regulations allow, and may vary by srare. Certain discounts apply to specific coverages only. To the extent penmne<l by law, applicants are indi\'idually undcrwnrren; not all applicants may qualil)'. 'Service appli~ ro auto poliL)'holde~ .1nd is provided by Cross Counrry Moror Club of Boston, inc., Boston, ~lA or through Cross Counrry Moror Club of Califom1a, Im:., Boston, MA. Coverage provided and underwrinen by Liherty Mutual Insurance Company and its affiliates, l75 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA. California Dcpartmenr of Insurance license number OC46257. © 2001Liberty ~lutual Insurance Company. All Rights Reserved. PORTLAND STATE lJNIVlERSITY PSU Magazine P.O. Box 751 Portland OR CJ7207-0751 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PORTLAND OR PERMIT O. 770
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